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Is it worth a bash?


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Beneath the flightpath on the land I shoot is a field with rape, approx 2-3 inches growth.


Approx 150 yards to the side it borders a field which was recently sown with wheat, which is just starting to show.


Further along the flightpath (approx 400-500 yards) is a field which has recently been sown with peas, land which I dont have permission to shoot.


I have been watching the pigeons recently and they are flighting over my fields which contain the wheat and rape and landing directly into the fields which have the peas (a road separates the land). The pigeons are showing no interest in the rape or wheat whatsoever and are loving the peas.


Do you think it would be worth setting up in either of my fields (wheat/rape/border) near the flightpath in hope I can divert the pigeons flighting to the peas?? Not sure whether or not it would be waste of time since they have shown no interest with these crops?


Any advice?

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I would set up on the rape field, especially if its only 2-3 inches high.

Not only will you get the passing birds to come and look at your decoys, they will also feed on rape that high.

I have some rape that is over 3ft high on my permissions and the pigeons are still dropping in the tractor tracks and on the headlands eating the lower leaves.

That is despite the fact that there are drillings and meadows of clover all around.

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pigeons love peas. if i was you i would set a few decoys out on the rape no magnet just decoys but get underneath a flightline aswell so if there not coming in for your decoys you will get them on the flightline iv shot over 60 pigeons just shooting on a flightline before. Ash

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