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divers bottle or Co2

mark newby

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hello all,

looking for some advice,

i have been told that you can use pub C02 to charge the cylinder on a gas powered rifle rather that using divers air bottle as i am doing at the moment, is this right? would it damage the rifle at all? and any idea where i could get a regulator to fit?

its just i can get a fully charged C02 cylinder for nothing and at the moment dont have a divers bottle.

thanks in advance for any help with this

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before going into the damage it would cause,your pellets would never reach the end of the barrel because co2 works at much lower presures,co2 guns have the internals to actualy make the co2 boil to get enough pressure to propel the pellet out of the barrel.precharged air rifles release the air in a more direct way as air doesnt have to boil to raise the pressure.when co2 is released and forced to boil it releases latent energy that freezes the suroundings,increase the pressure up to pcp levels this effect will be magnified to levels where not only seals are cracking but light alloys are being prematurely aged and becoming brittle and cracking.this can and has been done before but it is far more complicated and involved than changing the gas,it can only be done if the gun has been specificaly designed and developed from scratch to run on two so totaly different power sources :bye2::D :(

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Cooper T is your freind....... :bye2:




You CAN recharge CO2 resevoirs from big bottles as sugested but you do need to read up on it first. For a gun like a Ratcatcher they are great..... BUT its still CO2 and on cold days they are **** so dont expect anything like a full power rifle....


I rebuilt a ratcatcher and re o-ringed it with air o-rings (CO2 o-rings are a different compound and need to be) and use a Cooper T - 5605 Air Source to Air Source SKU #5605 to back fill a CO2 cart with air to produce an air rifle. It does take a lot of messing about tho'


CO2 in a normal PCP airgun = dangerous waste of time and effort.

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