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HW80 Tuning?

wolf man

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Hi Guys


I was wondering if you could help.


Having recently got an allotment, i'm having problems with the rabbit population, and have been given permission to cull the numbers slightly.


Now I have sat in the attic a HW80 which has not been fired for about 8 years :good: , and i think that i need to send it off to be serviced and tuned.

As many of you know it's a beast of a rifle, and i still remember the recoil on the monster.

Are there any solutions to this?

Also i remember back in my younger days, that there was a company 'Venom' who did complete refits and improving the rifle no end, do they still exist?


Can you guys offer any recommendations for 'taming' this beast?



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Take your gun to an RFD and let him have a look and out it over the chrono etc.


As for shooting at the allotment... How did you go about getting permission as mine is hit by pigeons and crows etc.


Did you speak to the council???

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Venom still trade albeit in a different guise called V Mach- their kits can be bought in most gunshops. Also a guy trades on the airgunbbs called Dave and his name there is Bonnie and Clyde. He does very good tunes kits which you can fit yourself or if in doubt Dave can do it for you.


Dave :good:

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Cheers guys


the allotment is not council run, its privately run by one of the colleges in Oxford, and i had a chat with the guy who manages it for them. I have to be discreet, but most of the holders are having problems with the bunnies. I'm not allowed to touch the Pheasants or Partridges though :good:


In my younger days i always wanted to get the 80 'venom' tuned. Do the still exist? does any one have any contact details.


I would prefer to send the 80 off to get a proper going over, i'm not sure that i could do it 'properly' and keep it within legal limits.


Am i right in thinking that you cannot send guns trough the post?

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