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Once you have cocked a springer and loaded the pellet how long can you leave it cocked?

If you are hunting and stalking prey it may be a while before you take the shot.

Does it damage the spring or reduce the power of the shot if it is left cocked for too long?


(oh and I'm not talking about leaving it in my wardrobe cocked and loaded for the week, it's just in the field!! :huh: )

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in theory the spring will deteriorate quicker if left cocked for long periods. practicaly in my expieriance with a variety of springers bsas webleys hws etc i can not say that i noticed any difference and when i was hunting i would have the gun cocked ready as i stalked or lay in wait.



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if its a semi modern one i wouldnt worry,


eventually if you were to leave it cocked for ages the spring would become permernatly compressed, and you would loose some power,


the other thought is that some of the older airguns used to have minds of they own (and i mean really old) and used to go off after a long period of being cocked, but all modern airguns will have this fixed.


so i woudlnt worry about it

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in theory the spring will deteriorate quicker if left cocked for long periods. practicaly in my expieriance with a variety of springers bsas webleys hws etc i can not say that i noticed any difference and when i was hunting i would have the gun cocked ready as i stalked or lay in wait.



Have to agree with that, it's not expensive or a big job to change the main spring if it does deteriorate anyway. Suppose it is one advantage of precharged guns that you can walk round with it ready to use without causing any damage.


Modern springs are made out of pretty good materials compared to the old technology.

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