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AirArms s400 multishot conversion???


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Hi all, as on every post i've posted an yea thats all 2 posts i do like state that i am a total beginer!


So ive been lookin at pcp an i've had a go on my mates s410 a lad at the shooting range has a hw 100 (very nice) but i havent got the kind of money to get one of them but i had a go with a s400 an really liked that but is there any way of making it a multishot? or is this where everyone tells me to jus buy an s410 an be done with it


Cheers guys

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I had an s400 but decide to trade it in for a s510 as the conversion kits just look fiddly compared to a simple pull of a bolt or side lever. If you want a multi-shot than your best off just going for the real thing if you can spare an extra £100. If not look into a second hand model.


Toby :blush:

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As said mate.


I have been using that kit and the spare mag for about one year now and never had any problems with it at all.

very happy with the service they offer also.


This kit is not one that will index once its cocked you need to index it with your finger, left or right handed.


check out the AAOC web site also for info help and pictures of the set up with peoples views of this kit also.







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