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Chit Chat on Ruger .22LR 77/22 All Weather & above

Big Dog

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I have a .22LR Ruger 77/22 All Weather that I like very much. I have a couple of question on the .22lr first. I currently use Subs and Winchester Lazers; what would you Zero these at? My Lazers are at 70yrds and subs 40yrs - this means I can shoot both without adjusting my scope.


What ammo are you getting best group and kills with?


Any tips for getting the best group from a 77/22?


As I like this wee gun I won't change it, so what can I put on with it to give me increased range without overkill? I shoot a lot of crows/greys etc, some bunnies. I now live in an area where there is foxes. I would love a .222 but don't want to get caught up with size but rather be realistic. Recently I have thought that a 22 WMR or 17HMR (with it HP & tipped rounds), would be a better option. Beleive it or not but crows/Greys are normally out of my .22LR range.


I would love someone to respond to this post who can put me straight on the best option as at this point in time smaller vermin is my main game. :lol:


Ps. Honestly now, what is the best range you have killed with a .22LR 77/22???

I shot a pigion, to my suprise at about 110 yrs. Is that possible or did it just die of fright??


Thanks for reading this and replying shooter friends. :lol:

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110 yards is doable with a rimfire, but youve got to be good at judging holdover


to be quite honest, the price of 22mag is such that its just not worth getting , im not certain about 17hmr, but as it is just a 22mag sized down its likely to be quite alot. in my opinion the best cartridge for you would be a 22hornet, it is centerfire, good on bunnies out to 240 (if you can judge it) and foxes to 190 without any holdover, using a 35 grain hornandy vmax and lil gun powder it throws out about 3250fps, which is respectable for anygun.


you can pick up an old brno from lots of places for anything around the 200-300 mark and they shoot great, (one hole groups great.....although this is with handloads)


in answer to your other questions, ive personally never switched ammo, always always use eley subs, they kill fine, shoot even better, and dont cost too much


not got much experiance with the fast stuff.....so wouldnt like to say


i persoanlly zero for 1inch high at 50 yards, this gives me about smack on in hte 65-75 mark, normal bunnies ranges


as for group sizes, im not to certain about the spec of the 77/22, only ever tried one, if the barrel isnt floated try floating it, and it might be worth glass bedding the action


other than this, lots of practice on trigger pull (or should i say squeeze) and correct breathing before shot

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not that i want to spark off the old moral/ethical/safety/ nit-pickety responses again but ive shot a bunny through the head at 133 yds.....(with over a foot of holdover!)

(with my cz 452 style with cci subs)





Edited by jon78
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i never shoot out to more than 80yds with my .22 rimfire its zero is 60yds.

for the longer shots i use my .17HMR that is zeroed at 1" high at 100yds longest shot was a rabbit throught the head at 145yds aimed spot on no hold over or anything. :P:D:lol::lol::lol:

Edited by hawkeye
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not that i want to spark off the old moral/ethical/safety/ nit-pickety responses again but ive shot a bunny through the head at 133 yds.....(with over a foot of holdover!)

(with my cz 452 style with cci subs)





someone shot a girl on a horse trough the head at 1 mile whilst shooting birds off a powerline :lol:


its not that the rimfire cant do this, its just that you dont have the accuracy in a rimfire at this range to give a certain kill, which is why i personally wont use a rimfire past about 85-90 yards, anything further and its centerfire teritory


and your talking no hold over at 200 yards with a 222 zero'd 1inch and 1/4 high at 100 :P:lol:

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Hiya Dog,

Go for the .17 HMR, zeroed at 125 holdover of 2 inchs at 200. Plenty of power for all the usual quarry including fox out to about 150yds in my experiance.

Ammo breaks up a treat on all manner of terrain without the richochet risks of the .22.

Why go centrefire, unless you're after the bigger species and have the land to use it, a bloody waste of time and money for what you need it for.Too loud and increases your danger zone beyond the shot.

HMR prices are falling this side of the water. My .22 is now relagated to close range and plinking duties while I know that the HMR is a serious tool for any longer range jobs.

Cheers John.

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Caplock some good tips. What about:

- Wind effect on the 17HMR?

- Richochet effect - I have heard that they shatter on impact. Does this apply to the new 22g hollow points??

- Is there enough energy in a 22g tip to do the business at the upper end of its range??

- Do you feel the 17HMR will efficiently drop a fox? What ammo?


Don't sit up all night replying.


Thanks :lol:




- Any good websites on 22 ballistics? I would like to compare Winchester Lazers and Subs against other brands such as CCI?


- Anyone know where to buy a good shooting mat?? I have searched te Net to no avail except for Tactical ones.

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