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may be the next generation


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over the last few days, been out in the garden with the granddaughter, with the red rider bb gun

shooting at grandads beer cans (empty) ;)

she is still a little short, out of ten shots over 10 yds she will hit the cans at least 4 times

mums just come out shouting bed time, little voice comes back it ain't dark yet mum :sick:;)

excuse photos took them when she went in :hmm: mothers :hmm:



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Like your Granddaughter i used to lived with my grandpops too.

And where ever he went i would follow.

He made such the big impression on my life.

And i so wish he was here now to see my boys. And i know for the fact granddad and Ash(sweepy) would have got on like a house on fire.

unfortunately he passed away while i was still young.

But in the short time we did have together . He gave me the best childhood any child could have wished for.

He also gave me his time and understanding and most of all his love.

Your Grandaughter is one very lucky little girl .

As she has found herself a grandad just like mine.

I hope you both have some great times together.


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suzy it would be a very empty house with out her, she is a little darling makes me laugh a lot

the only problem we have with her is she wants to swear like grandad :look:

daughters asked at school and they have never herd anything only glowing reports

she goes regulaly over the road to me mates lanbers and never a word its just round me

so the little sod knows rite and wrong

she is at aunty dawns tomorrow,morgan told me aunty dawns getting ice sream that stains your tong and lips blue

a picture morgan took last year of aunty dawn, granny in the background


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Mr Blackthorn

Grandparents play a very important part in the next generations lifes. Its what moulds them and gives them the good start in life.That they need.

It is so heart warming to see that in some familys its the role that is still taken seriously. :good:



The only picture i have of the two of us together.


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suzy he looked a good man

wished i had new mine especially the one we lived with, died when i was two a rite old rogue, jimmy lovering

a carpenter and a country man, when they were building the new part to the village he used to walk me round in me pushchair so he could nick the nails :( ;)

the latest with Morgan is we was watching primeval, she got her chart out of dinosaurs, i said you might not see them on there Morgan

she looked at me and said more bull **** grandad, the kids got no chance round me :)

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