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Walk with the twelve nothing much doing


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Not preaching M8 but you should never Lean a gun or rifle against somthing like you have not least incase it slips over and ands up damaged. A gun lying on the ground can go no further and wont end up damaged.


Imagine this Scenario

It is also bad practice to get in to because people become complacent you have done it 30 times and the gun has never fallen over you have just shot somthing with one barrel and are about to deal with the creature wounded or dead and the ground is muddy and there is a handy gate to lean the gun against the dog nocks the gun the gun falls over the gun bumps on the ground the sear releases the hammer and discharges in a lethal direction whether that is towards you, the dog or a third party.


As I said I am not preaching you do what you want but it is worth a thought.


Good pics though dude.



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Nice pictures. I love looking at them, I spotted the rabbit its on the far bank and I finnily found the pigeon in the tree!


no pigeon mate its a buzzard a second one flew in then they spotted me and vamoosed.


devilish dave i understand where your coming from ive never though of ir like that cheers for the advice :)

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i agree with the statement about leaning guns against fences, as they can be quite unstable leant up. i do lean mine against trees and fences, but i always break it first. this seems to balance it better, you know theres nothing in it and it keeps it out of the mud :)


great pics though! whereabouts in the country are you? you seem to have struck gold, you've got a bit of everything there!

Edited by paulos
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