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helping out

ricky green

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Was woking up saterday morning with a text from one of my farmer friends,he had had a visit from a fox friday night,and had killed 14 of his chickens :lol::lol: .Wanted to know when i could have a look for him.well if you like me,was there saterday night :good: Was there before dark and had a sit down a wait,to see if any were mouching around early,but they wernt there at that time :lol: .waited till could`nt see through scope and went back to car for the lamp. :mad: .Got set up,and started the second lap of the farm,Walked the length of one field which is about 300yards long shone the lamp behind me,pair of eyes by my car,(the cheeky so and so),it turned away and dissapered.Walked back towards the car and spotted it in the next field over, :no:.bad news for me this field is full a his organic sheep,but it stopped in a big area of bullrushes,in a bad part for this fox as there was no sheep any where near.But yep you geussed no clear shot off the bypod :no:,tryed of the fence post but i wernt stedy enough,so a walk back to the car was needed for the sticks.Cane back and it was still there hideing thinking it was safe :D,tryed 7 post before i had a clear enough path through the stalks.then the 50grn Vmax dun what they do best.took out another chicken killer.We hope?????? :mad:


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Same problem myself last tuesday night. My chickens gone. Id say that fox could have had some help so you should go back out soon ricky. I dont like shooting foxes around this time of year but after what happened with my chickens i didnt care. Keep a close eye on the farm lad, as 12 chickens is a lot for only one fox in one night. Fair play for keeping farmer happy :good:

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