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Anomolies in pricing


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As in a good/reasonable rifle in .17HMr for £400odd

A moderater.......................................@..£125

A bipod, did I see someone say a Harris @.£120 odd?

A scope, hmmm £50 to...£750, Ok say :good:?

But regardless of the scope issue, surely there is a lot more engineering in a rifle than in a moderator or bipod, against the costs, are rifles too cheap

or accessories too expensive?



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Moderators have to be able to withstand repeated pressures and are built to very fine tolerances. Do you really want your bullet passing through something you don't trust?


As for scopes, the engineering that goes into a quality one is mind boggling.

There are cheaper bipods than Harris, Buffalo River and Shooters Ridge being 2 that come to mind that are reasonable quality but not extortionate.

Edited by Milligan
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