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chris o

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hi all. well was recently having **** luck with pigeon shooting had finally bagged me first one today but lost track of were it landed. what is the best way to set my decoys out i have 16 sport plast half shells and the fields i am shooting over are barley and it is tall. so how should i set up?

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Watch the flight paths ....then find a part baron edge in the field where they fly over regular. Its best too group them within a 3 metre circle so they can be seen easy as with overgrown grass and all this time of year......In the winter with no crops you can spread them out more. I had 7 last night in less than an hour and all I did was hide in hedges and keep low...Shotgun took 5 of them out of the sky in mid flight. Dont go looking for them in Rape or similar......without a dog you will probably not find them and of course just damage crops. :good:

Best of luck .

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Watch the fields and you will see where the birds fly into (and out of) the fields, try to get your hide in that area.

I try not to set too many decoys out in higher crops and often just use a couple of floaters.

Be careful not to cause damage to the crops by either setting up, or retrieving shot birds.

Use the tractor tracks as much as possible, or keep to the very edges.

If the Farmer has left a wide headland, set your decoys out on that.

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