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head shot fox


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went out lamping with my work mate last night started out at about 8.30 rabbits was the target tonight got a few before it got dark so took them back to the yard and a cuppa coffee before setting out again headded for one of our farms and as we turned on to the field there sat one big dog fox mate slid the gun out the window and dropped it at 190 yards with his .17 hmr headded of around the fields we did 6 farms last night got finished at 1am this morning with a nice bag of 42 rabbits and one very dead dog fox





190 yards my **** :P when are people going to learn :hmm: 17 hmr is not a suitable calibre for shooting foxes

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the most worrying thing to me is!!!

how many times have you shot at foxes at those distances and thought you have missed then, when you could have actually miamed them. There is so much good advice on this forum that tells you NOT to shoot foxes with a 17hmr at long distances and yet people still do it without any thought for their quarry, and then they ####ing well post the pictures for all the anti's to see. Un-####ing believable.

rant over

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well i agree with most who have replyed to this topic the 17 in my eyes is not a suitable tool for shooting foxes

ok if its a close in fox then maybe

but 190yards well thats just plain carelesness some folk with cf rifles would think twice about shooting that distance

like they say if the fox had moved a fraction of an inch it would of ran off with its jaw missing

and would of starved to death which is not humane means of dealing with fox

if you want to shoot foxes why dont you aplly for a c/f rifle that is more than capable of doing the job

17 is ok for long distance bunny bashing but at 190 yards they dont have enough energy left

another thing does your local force class fox as vermin and did you get fox as a condition for getting the 17 or did you just put it down for use on rabbits

i myself like alot of other guys own shotguns and a .22rf for bunnys and a cf .243 for foxes and deer


i hope to hell your mate never trys to shoot a deer with the 17 or a .22rf at a 190yards

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was it him what shot the fox NO ! like he said he would not have too that shot! and not suitable ? its DEAD get over it yea it could have come out worse but it did not its dead and one less jesus christ

I think a post like that just typifies everything that is wrong with this and other shooting forums. It actually makes me feel pretty sick that someone who has presumably been granted an SGC would miss the point so much. You sir are a true sportsman with an outlook like that, you dont deserve to hold a catapult. What a complete pillock.

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i read some of the replys on this and it might just be me or somthing but alot of them seem to think it was me shooting WHICH it wasnt not been sombody who shoots with a rife myself i shoot a few rabbits but thats it but thats only out to about 45 yards the same as i shoot with my airrife as am more of a shotgun person myself or the air rifle when needed so i just wanted to sort a few things out IT WASNT ME SHOOTING IT WAS MY MATE i have since spoke to him and given him a right talking to i was thinking about getting my fac but i dont think i will now





Edited by samw
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