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bsa airspoter mk1 help


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hello all


well i got this airsporter mk1 few days ago all complete only thing is that its hard to cock and have to really work the lever to make it cock

whilst moving the trigger it seems as if the rod in the piston isnt long enough maybe another 1/4 inch of length on the rod would help it cock

ive stripped the gun down and all seems to be good now wear on the trigger or the sears and piston rod has little wear aswell

was wondering if there is any adjustment for the rod in the piston

i used it the other night along at my mates house who has a fair size free hold garden and was suprised by the little gun

very accurate, power could do with being up a bit more maybe new mainspring once i sort the cocking action out


when i got the little gun it was in a right state (the stock) what posessed someone to paint it with black gloss paint

well it sanded now only thing is apart from the knocks and scatches in the wood

i may end up loosing where it has been stamped with the letters BSA hopefully i wont loose this

and also going to do the blueing aswell so hopefully should get it back to at least half decent to look at


its clever that the breach opens automaticaly when the cocking lever is pulled aswell

so if anyone has any idea about the cocking being short please let me know

thanks again all


just out of daftness how much do these sell for (not that i want to sell it ) im just curious

it has got the rear sight aswell which i hear a lot of them seem to get lost

its in tatty condition at moment may some one can let me know what prices they go for in all conditions from tatty to pristine condition


cheer again everyone

Edited by radio1ham
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Hi Radio


It may be that one or more of the pins that act as pivots on the cocking lever assembly is bent after years of use or that there is wear on the slot in the piston skirt thereby using up some of the travel needed to get the sear engaged, there is not a great deal of spare movement in the mecanism to allow for wear. There is also no way of adjusting the piston rod length as there is no need to do so if all else is ok.


Hope this helps



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hello chaps


well stripped it again spring is ok as so is the pins in the trigger assembly

took the trigger spring out and the gun cocks easier

maybe needs new trigger spring

just a pity i cant get all the marks out of the stock but its look a hell of a lot better than it

did covered in balck gloss paint its now a nice dark wood no bloody black paint

all needs done now is a peice that had in time been broken off the fore end of the stock which had been replaced

with a bit of pine has to come off aswell

got a peice of nice dark wood yesterday off wifes father so just a matter of shaping it to fit

il get a couple of pics of it and post on here (wish had took pics of it before i strarted to tidy it up )

also the blueing is done aswell not all rust now but cant get rid of the pitting on the underside of the

spring housing but that dont make any difference to it shooting

shoots nicely aswell

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  • 1 month later...

It does sound like the spring is the wrong one, similar happened to me, changed what I thought was like for like but it worked out too many coils to the same length of spring, thus the spring was closing all the way, coils butting up to each other not allowing the sear to engage, order spring for yopur gun from T.W. Chambers

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