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Wrote to MY local MP have you?

Lord Geordie

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Due to the recent bombshell Laboutr have once again dropped on the LAP of the Law abiding Citizen i have took it upon myself to write a letter to MY local MP asking questions and wanting answers. I have kept it polite at all times as swearing or other profanity will only lose you the battle.


If every Airgun owner writes a letter to their Local MP then it should shake the walls or at least ruffle the feathers of the Labour government. We are a HUGE group of people and WE also have a HUGE voice. Lets use it to our advantage people. Make yourself heard speak out. No one can hear you if you don't speak. It's time to let your views be known BUT REMEMBER keep it calm and collected. No bad language or profanity or YOU will lose the fight NOT THEM.


Ask your local MP if YOU can expect them to fight in your corner when it comes to your hunting and Air rifles. If he or she wont then ask them why YOU should vote for them??? The more people who lobby the government the more they will sit up and listen.


I have done MY bit now it is time for my Bretherin to have their say. Go forth and voice your concerns.


Lord Geordie

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No matter, the parties need to know that there are people who support shooting as well as antis. Or wait until after the election then send one to the local MP.


Should try sending a letter to the MEPs as well since the EU "parliament" represent as well now.

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Don't consider!!!


Just do it!! It's like waiting for that perfect moment only to fall asleep and let it pass you by.


It Doesn't matter if your local MP or who ever is running for WHAT party. Send em a letter or an E-Mail or FAX even to Labour to Conservative and to Lib Dems (even though they will never gain power.) Let them know your Views on the current matter at hand. Ask them if you could rely on THEIR Support in the cause and IF NOT then WHY NOT. If they won't help you in YOUR cause why help them in THEIRS to gain seats come the election. Make it clear IF they are willing to help you may vote for that party. We all have little Voices BUT when we come together we have a HUGE voice. Make it heard make a difference. Only with ALL Airgun owners and users coming together can we save the Sport and keep it preserved as it is presently.


If you can't be bothered to fight and write a letter to each of the parties (all of 15 mins work) then you might as well hand your gun over NOW because if we don't come together and make our selves heard then the sport as we know it has already succumb to Labours trechorous regime.



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Well it goes to show the Labour resolve as My local Labour MP never even bothered to reply to my letter. His panflet that came through the door said he sticks up for EVERY constituent but when i approached him about the Airgun debate i was Blanked. Obviously he has made his mind up and can't be bothered to waste his breath on the reply. Another TYPICAL Labour Lie. Why state catagorically he will stick up for EVERY constituent when he will infact PICKs what he wants to help out with and what he wants to simply sweep under the Carpet. :unsure:


Enough is enough i think i am going to attend his NEXT session and ask him in PERSON then he won't have the excuse to blank me in public.


Lord Geordie

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Well i have went one better :lol:


Not only did i write to my Local MP!! I have ALSO writen to the Prime minister HIMSELF. Now i KNOW i have done just about all i can short of a MEETING with Mr Blair. If someone could swing a meeting with him I would Definatley take the time to make it there and talk face to face. Of course to more of YOU that write to him the better it will be for us all. Show the Government JUST HOW BIG the Airgun community is and how loud it can be when stirred up. Remeber NO profanity as it makes u look bad as well as ALL OF US. Keep it clean and to the point and we may just get a good battle.


WHAT ARE YOUR OPTIONS?:unsure:?:lol:??


Sit quiet and lose your sport???




Your letters could make all the difference in the world of Airgun sports. Just 1 letter could swing it in favour of US against the Ban. Come on Guys take 15 mins to write a letter to the Prime minister. If you don't you may as well just hand your guns over now.


We NEED every airgun owner to sit and write just 1 letter to the Prime minister with the letter heading (reguarding Possible Airgun Ban!) and let him know you are one of the MAJORITY of safe and considerate airgun owners and you oppose they BAN. Thats all it takes. Please keep it CIVIL and NO PROFANTY. It's up to you guys. Make a difference and SAVE our sport.


Lord Geordie

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