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Difference between 25 & 30mm scope tubes


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What's the diffrence? 5mm ;)


In a PW mythbusting test the answer was nothing at all, some say 30mm came about to give more adjustment, others say it is fashion.

If the scope is good enough even with a 25mm tube it will pull the light in, it has more to do with glass quality/coatings than lens or tube size (IMHO)


If he doesn't see this and reply, PM Dead Eye Ive as I think he has both 25mm and 30mm S&B's

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I have both and to be honest, in normal daylight conditions there is no difference, at dusk you may get a few minutes more time in the field with the larger size tube, but you could also get that with a 1 inch tube and a bigger objective lens.


I brought my 30mm bodied Mtc Viper because they were the in thing at the time, as stated earlier lens quality is really the decider.

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Light transmission is mostly dependant upon the surface area of the objective lens and has nothing to do with the tube diameter.


30mm tunes facilitate the potential; for larger MOA adjustment as physical space is bigger. An inlined 20 / 25MOA scope rail negates this advantage.


44mm less bright than 50mm which less bright than 56mm objective....


Quality of glass and coating a makes a huge fifference, but from the same maker / the same product range, bigger objective size = brighter image.


Hope this helps..

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Thanks, as I thought. So, if this is the case, why do S&B offer their scopes in both sizes? With about £40 difference between them.


I keep seeing second hand 8x56's in 25mm and nearly buy them but hold back thinking I'll end up hating it and wanting the 30mm tube (i'm fickle!)

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