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HI snakebite,


i run a club down in dover area, and have seen the only S-16 returned to LOGUN (not venom) twice.


the guy that owns the S-16 loves it to bits but was so anoyed with all the problems he wants something that wont let him down. (should point out its a MK1 he has)


the problems he has had are as follows: (which i have actualy seen first hand)


1. bottle dumped all its air, and was returned to logun.


2. first time pellets got jammed was returned to logun, since that time he brings it to the club (4 times since)


3. (not really a problem) too damn heavy


(maybe because of all the problems with the S-16 they thought it best to include the lifetime warentee?:rolleyes:?)


but even though he has had a heck of a lot of problems with it, he will never part with it. Though he dosnt use it nmuch now as he has got a S410 which he is realy pleased with.


There are oly twop rifles i dont recomend to those new to the sport: Gunpower stealth and the Logun S-16. Though the stealth does have a cult following of tinkerers out there.


as for all the others out there i thinbk it would be hard to tell which rifle did which shots if you were only looking at a bunch of targets.


but i do think that the best value for money is the S200 + Multi shot mag just over £300 for a 10 shot rifle!!!!!!


ROB :thumbs:

Edited by roblade
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tryed the s16 last years did not get on with it owned a bsa mk2 supper 10 in 177 found it two pill fussy some of the best precharged rifles i have ever shot are airarms 300-310 400-410 in 177 for downrange acuracy ihave shot most of my life with air rifles most of the time with a 22 with good results changed to 177 about five years ago could be longer and never looked back

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It's not actually my webpage i just used it as a hyperlink.


If you were to get an Air Arms S400 i would get it in Carbine(S400K). With the extra length of a silencer the Classic version could be a little to your disadvantage when stalking aroung in dense undergrowth.

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Thanks for the constructive reply Roblade!

Is it due to "operator error" that the pellets jammed or is it a design fault?


You mentioned it was returned to "venom" does this mean it is modified?

If this was the case is it likely that the bottle dumped because it was doing something that it was not designed to do?

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woops sorry meant logun (for some reason had venom on me mind :rolleyes: )


as for the problem with double loading a pellet think it might be a bit of both user error and design flaw. I have never felt a rifle so hard to cock as the S-16.


But as i said he would never think about gettig rid of his ( a bit like me with my gunpower stealth :( )


I just feel that there are better rifles out there for a similar price.


as for a Carbine or a classic (full length version) you loose about 20-30 shots depending on which calibre you choose in the carbine. So if your looking for higher number of shots it would have to be the classic.


But if you want to almost double the number of shots be it in the carbine or the classic Ben taylor (of THEOBEN) has brought out a regulator that can be fitted to any S400/S410. The only down side would be the £200 cost involved and then this brings it up to the cost (almost) of the daystate MK3.


Its all a matter of how much your willing to spend and when to stop spending LOL


ROB :thumbs:

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Thank you to all you people. Without all the advice I wouldnt have been able to decide.


I have got myself a second hand Air Arms S200 Mk2 with moderator and a second hand RWS pump. The guy threw in a pack of Accupells and a set of Bisley scope mounts. Got myself a really good buy. It came with a years warranty against defects as well! Brilliant.


Its in mint condition, the guy said the person who sold it had it for a week then traded it in for a Logun S16.





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get the feeling its a case of his loss and your gain :thumbs:



enjoy your new gun mate, dont think you wil be sorry you bought it :)


Have to let us know what you think of it after you put a bit of lead thru it :)


all the best


ROB :(

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