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breaking in a barrel


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i'm in the process of buying a new .22, does the barrel need to be "shot in" like a center fire or can you just start using it as normal

do any of you recommend cleaning it after each session or leaving it, ive heard both mentioned, any comments would be good cheers guys



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Very interesting, but I've heard as the others said. In fact some .22LR nuts purposefully foul the barrel in a new one. Shoot a couple hundred straight into the hillside and then start to see how it shoots.


Even custom barrel makers are not often recommending seasoning centerfire barrels nowadays. I can only guess that the machining marks left in the throat and barrel are much smaller and fewer with modern techniques and equipment. I still do it though, figuring it can't hurt.


I have a great old pre-64 Winchester Model 70 in .270 that I bought from a rancher in Utah. It had been the old ranch rifle and God only knows if it had ever been cleaned. After I bought it, I started cleaning, using every trick I could find to get rid of the copper fouling between the lands. It looked like a jeweler had laid in perfect bands of copper. I gave up trying to clean it and went to shoot it. Best shooting rifle I own. I guess centerfires find their own "happy spot" with some fouling too.



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