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Which Magnet/Rotary

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I'm off to Belvoir Castle CLA Game Fair this weekend an intend on picking up a pigeon magnet. I'd like to know if there are certain ones that are better than others as I will be giving it some hammer on all my permissions.


I don't need to know which is the cheepest but which is the best all round one to go for.


Please if possible include the name of the manufacturer and an idea of what I should pay for one.



Many Thanks for your help.


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I would not buy anything "mechanical" from a stall at a Game Fair, unless I new the Seller, or the Company selling.

If something goes wrong with the item (which will be at least over £50) , I want to be able to get hold of the person selling it, not have to trail round the Game Fairs looking for them.


If UKShootwarehouse are at the CLA, look them up, don't forget to ask for your Pigeon Watch discount.


Remember, cheap is rarely the best.

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