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A couple of recent outings


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Well being out a few times in recent weeks, being doing really well.

1st photo is of a bag of 101 woodies and 55 ferals all shot by me and my shooting buddy from the same hide over peas around a week before they were harvested.

It was a great day as the shooting was fairly constant and the banter we had was hilarious including my mate falling in a huge rabbit hole :good::yes::yes:

We added another 4 woodies to the bag after the photo was taken 3 were found on the way to the jeep and 1 I shot as we were loading up the jeep. all in all I beleive we shot well in excess of 200+ birds droping lots in the high wheat behind us and the birds that somehow carry the shot although totally plucked and drop 1/2 a mile away :lol:


The 2nd photo is a bag of 105 woodies shot over rape stubble on saturday, I also shot 7 rabbits in a couple of quite spells, I decided to have a little walk.

The woodies were again shot by me and my shooting buddy from the same hide, although I am certain had we decided to sit in seperate hides in the two fields instead of the 1 field we would have doubled if not trebled the bag, but we have a great laugh sitting together and also the gamekeeper spoke to us just before we set up and said he was going to shoot the opposite field to us! :lol: He did for about 1 hour 11am till 12am :yes: had we know he was only going to do an hour we may have set up seperately.


Anyway there have been lot's of other outings with good bags just did'nt manage to get photo's for some reason or other but have really being enjoying the shooting.

Out tomorrow hoping for a super day as the field we are going to was combined yesterday with all other combined fields already lifted. The birds are already in the area we know that for sure!!! Now all that's left is to locate and shot them!!!!!! :):yes:


sorry for the long winded post!






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Some we keep to eat, when the freezer gets to full with breast's i dish them out to friends and family.

when were really stuck the farmer has them.

I know that won't go down to well with some, but at the end of the day, were doing a job and the farmer is happy there DEAD!



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