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is it worth it

hill billy

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i was talking in past posts of getting a 22-250, i found one in one of my local gun shops that they were selling on behalf of some one but its £750 and to be honest i can't afford it with out borrowing money, but i was just wondering if you thought it was worth the money, its a remington 700 with the synthetic stock with wispy lines in it it is the heavy berrel version with black mat bearrel its fully moderated with a t8, it also includes a weaver 4 -20-40 scope a harris bipod and a sling what do you think

personally i have fallen in love with it

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ive allready warned you about the extractor, but in such a small cartridge it shouldnt matter too much, what scope is it,


other than that, its a good gun, i know 3 people with them, and although the latest one i saw which was new a few months back had a nasty finish on the action, they are accurate guns, and seem to eat up factory better than most rifles.


but its a h/b version, and they are heavy, so if your out on a walk about you will get seriously tired, and such a powerful scope will be litte use over its optimum 6x in low light conditions.


check what mounts it is, if the t8 has started to corrode inside, and if there is any electrolitic corrosion between the barrel and mod (this will show the mod has been left on the gun and not cleaned)


it will be a good gun......but only as good as a t3 or 2nd hand sako :thumbs:

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its got a weaver scope i think it's a 4-20-40 the rifle has also been balenced, but you are right it is heavy although i will be doing most of my shooting from a vehicle or high seat so it shouldn't be that bad and im not the smallest of blokes either, he also said that because it's moderated it will reduce most of the recoil is this true i must admit i have never come across people saying this,

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Hill Billy,


As regards the moderator, yes, this will lessen the recoil.


But I think you are just looking at this gun, and drooling .


What about the obvious questions ?


How many cartridges have been fired through it ?


Was the previous owner shooting hot cartridges through it ? ( The 22-250 is a notorious barrel burner )


Has anyone inspected the rifling ?


Why is it being sold ?


Has the owner been experimenting with handloads, and if so, what was his best cartridge, as regards accuracy ?


Don't just jump in because it looks cool. It might be a big piece of excrement !!



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Hilly billy, the 22-250 is a fine rifle in the right hands for long-range fox control.

But ask yourself this, why do you need a rifle like this? Why would you want to spend a load of money on cartridges, or if you load your own, powder, when for almost all purposes a .222 or a .223 will more than suffice.

You could pick up a nice .223 for less money and then pick up ex military ammo for practicing/playing with, for silly money.

And then if you wanted to load your own, then the cost of that would be @ half that of the 22-250.

In the right hands a 22-250 is capable of extremely long range shooting, but in the hands of a fairly new shooter, it is little more than an expensive toy.

You could be lucky enough to drop onto a good barrel, but unless you know the age and extent to which it has been used then you will never know if you have bought something that has been traded-in in order to get shut of it.

Only time on the range will tell you that, and by then of course it’s too late…you’re stuck with it!!!! :)


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I went back to look at it today and the guy is selling it because he is beginning to go stalking so wants a 243 he showed me his certificate and he has fired 40 rounds through it and does not home load he removed the moderator and showed me its like new the barrel is mint, you can also see by looking at the bolt surroundings that it has not been used much because there isn't hardly any wear marks from working the bolt

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its your money mate, it would seem from what you say its a fine rifle....


just bear in mind.......costs of handloading


barrels will not have a huge life


its heavy


and obviously you need a slot for the silencer if you dont allready have one


other than that think about what everyone has said on here.


and step carefully...


good luck what ever you choose

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cheers mate i am goin to take my uncle with me before i hand any money over because he has been shooting for the last fourty odd years so i will more than likely go on what he says, just out of interest how do they change barrels if yours is nakered or do you have to get a new gun

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