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DT10 sticking ejector removal - How?


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My DT10 bottom barrel ejector has stated to stick down when i open the gun, if i wiggle the barrel up and down a little it dose loosen and then eject the cartridge.


I think it is need of a good clean, My question "how do you remove the ejectors from the barrel?"








Beretta DT10 Trident O/U 12G

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As Blaser says, compress about 2/3rd of the way and you'll see a "key" line up with the "notch" in the barrel. Twist through about 45 degrees outwards and it'll pop out - resulting in the spring whacking into your thumb!! Use something firm and wooden to compress it so you don't damage the ejector or your thumb - the springs have a tendancy to relocate themselves to another part of the room pretty rapidly :welcomeani: Doing the whole thing in a clear freezer bag helps keep track of the bits :blink:

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Pressume the spring was ok when you had the ejector out? Usual cause is a bit of grit or brass etc getting behind the ejector and snagging. A good clean usually sort it - maybe try a new set of springs (only about £6 from memory) as there's not a lot that can go wrong otherwise...

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