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Question regarding footpath

mick miller

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Following another thread a question has reared its ugly head in my mind and I would appreciate a little legal clarification.


My permission is 7 acres in size and very rural, however a public footpath crosses through a small part of it, as such am I required to keep away from that part of it? It's not clearly marked no fences or hedges, it quite literally crosses the field in one corner and allows access to the churchyard.


The local bobby shoots in the field opposite so I can't see there being a problem with the local Police.

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You can shoot on or over footpaths - providing you do not endanger or disrupt other users of said footpath.



Theres a little word called "alarm" that you must be wary of, if anyone alleged that you caused them alarm, and complained to the police that you pointed a gun, even in their general direction, may cause major problems if taken up by an over zealous plod.


Best bet is to lay the gun on the ground and wave hello to them, pick it up again when they have passed through and out of sight.


Rgds D2D

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mick if the local bobby shoots,,when you see him out collar him,,,and ask his advice mate,,because he will know the ins and outs of the law and the part of land your on about, :good: best of luck mate,,,p/s you might get a shooting buddy.whos going to say out to the local plod :hmm:worth thinking about

Edited by shotgun666
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