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fac question


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i shoot my rifles on my farm which has been passed up to .243 or higher i think and another farm of the same . but have recently been asked to lamp an entire estate which has also been cleared to high calibers. my fac is not as yet an open ticket although i will try and sort it this month or next. so am i ok do you think to shoot my triple on this land being that it has been inspected at some point by the police. does this mean that the land has been deemed suitable by the police chief?


all help appreciated :lol:

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Whether the land has been cleared for your calibre(s) or not, it will depend on the wording of the conditions of your certificate. If you have specific areas of land named in the conditions on your FAC, and the estate you want to shoot on isn't specifically named, you cannot shoot there. If you just have the more general condition that says the land has to approved by the cheif inspector then you should be ok.


As already mentioned, ring your FLD and ask them. With getting more and more land to shoot on they might open your certificate :lol:



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