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stock painting (again)

Ozzy Fudd

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sorry, seems like this topic gets dragged up every other week, took a look and couldnt see what im after so thought id ask :good:


ive seen some nice pics of painted stocks on here lately, and now im considering doing the stock of my 10/22. its just something to pass the time during winter tbh, but before i go and buy all the paint and start deciding what camo scheme im going to use i wanted to check a couple of things.



firstly, would i need to take the existing varnish off the stock before painting it?


secondly, how scratch resistant is the finished result (usually)?



the stock on my 10/22 looks like itd be a pain in the *** to strip, so wanted to check if i had to or not. also theres no point spending hours upon hours creating a masterpiece if the first time i take it out half the paint gets scratched off :good: so just wanted to ask the experts!


cheers :D

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yes u would have to remove the varnish/oil before u paint it .... otherwise u will get a reaction ( blistering appearing or orange peel effect )


as for the paint ... depends on what u use . if ur talking normal gloss etc then it will scratch the first time u take the gun out


u need to find a paint system which has a lacquer available ... so u can give it a protective top coat :good:

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