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south wales police variations

Epic Fail

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sent my variation in on the 12th for

.38/357 LBR

.44 mag rifle

.36 Black powder pistol

.44 Black powder pistol


gave them a ring on tuesday 18th to find out of there was any problems with it

the staff doing the variations were off on holiday and back on the 18th (the day i phoned)

i asked if i could have it at my house by friday 21st and they said yes


recieved it yesterday (20th) while i was in work

got home and the .38/357 LBR was missing :birthday: and it was the first thing on my variation form


rang them today in work and they asked me to send it back

they are adding the LBR on and also upping my limit for .38/357 ammo to buy and keep

got an appointment tuesday to pick it up


just in time for me to send off the remingon and buy the LBR :birthday:



i surpose anyone can make a mistake and im glad they noticed and rectified it straight away

just a little bit of a pain that its cost me £26 for the variation and £4.99 to send the cert each time as i dont want to lose it in the post

working in the licencing department shouldnt they have better attention to detail ?

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When I first applied for my licence, North Wales Police 'lost' all four of my photographs. So that cost me another fiver at the photobooth, another visit to the Docters to get them signed, and another few weeks time. They also forgot to put .38Spl on a variation for me, sent it back and they did it quick fair play, but still another cost of recorded delivery. This was a few years ago though and NWP have really improved, they are quite fast at the moment.

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when i first applied the police guidance handbook that they give out to new applicants said...

"if the sole puropse for a firearm certificate is for target shooting, the secretary of the club MUST be the first signatory for your application even if they had not known you for 2 years" (not in the exact words)


but then on the application form it said "the club secretary can only sign if they have known you for over 2 years"


and when i sent my application in i had already told them of the differences and that one of them was wrong but they just said.. "no no he must sign for you"

so i had my secretary to sign it as he normally had with applicarions


a few days after my inspection i had my application back in the post saying the secretary and i was wrong and he shouldnt have signed it...,,,


they did not know about the differences in their own handbook until i noticed them and told them...

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picked up my variation today and all seemed well they had added

.38/357 long barrel pistol

so i asked if it was ok to buy the revolver on that

they told me it would be


later i went to the range and the dealer showed me how to load 200 rounds...

then went to write the revolver on my ticket and told me he couldnt do it


he had had the same problem 3 months ago and he got a warning from them when he sold it to the other person...


i now have 170 rounds in my posession and nothing to shoot them with :good:


i will be having to send a variation in this time as i have sold a rifle and mod so i will be getting them to fax a variation form to me at work tomorrow...


i am very annoyed at this point... variation wrong twice in 2 weeks....

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