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Magtech semi-auto


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I recently bought a Magtech semi from the local rifle club ,( as below) it had been stood there a while , a light cheepo rifle , £35 second hand in superb cond.

For this money i thought i can live with the semi auto & get some use, but to my distress i cannot get it to shoot reliably or semi-accurate.


Ok, it was £35 , as new, with synth stock & a 6x40 tasco scope (the stock must be valued at that!!) & screw cut. I am at my witts end what to do with it now !! I have tried all the ammo, remmington, ely, winchester,even magtech, but to no joy.


I have cleaned it through, re-crowned it at 11deg, polished the sear,poliched the action..what now ??



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You worked out why the rifle was cheap and gained no interest.


Take it to your local Police station. Hand over the rifle, requesting that it be destroyed. Submit an application for a one-for-one variation at the same time. Then buy a CZ bolt-action.



B) I think you summed it up in 1 my friend, the optics are bauch & lomb, & are superb.

Edited by carthos
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The amount of home work & re-working i done on this stick it owes me a fortune, its going back, i seen a nice cz 581 in the same place for a few ££ more..this magtech thing is scrap :yes:

I clocked the stock & barrel alignment & its aint bad, im going to try the float barrel technique & have a 5lb lift on the barrel at the stock end, about 1" up, my Last resort !

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