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iPhone. app. isnipe.


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I snipe. for. iPhone.

« on: Today at 02:42:12 am »

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well I was looking on the iPhone app store when I typed in shoot.

found this nice programme called I snipe. it's like chair gun.


but costs  loads less at £3.49p.

has really good reports. so I'm going to buy it and give it a go.

if it really is as good as they say .

I will have it with me where ever I go.


I emailed the guy that makes it here's what he said.




Hi Steve,


  Thanks for you email and interest in iSnipe.  iSnipe does indeed work with air rifles; the snag that a lot of people get caught on is obtaining real-world B.C's and muzzle velocities for their ammo/weapon, as many shooting ranges don't have a Chronograph.  That being said, if you have a chrono you should be able to get reliable numbers for your setup which in turn will help iSnipe spit out reliable numbers for you


  I found these excellent resources containing ballistic coefficients for many Pellet manufacturers:





  Those two links combined with a few minutes on a chronograph will make sure iSnipe is giving you the best possible numbers for your setup.


  If you have any further questions or possible feature requests don't hesitate to contact me directly.


Best Regards,

Mat Pridham


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