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Fox with .17hmr at 25yards


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Hi All,


I got out last night for some bunny bashing (at longer ranges than the .22lr). Shot two on one field at about 100 yards and went through a gate to the next field - freshly cut grass.


Had a look around and two crows were around 100 yards away, so I "bellied it" to a good position and took a shot off the bipod and ....missed...ahhhhh. What is it with crows ?


Moved on a bit further and there was a distinct lack of rabbits, then I spotted two foxes out hunting - about 250 yards away across the field. So got myself comfortable and called, one came running in - but then I lost sight of it in a ditch. It seemed to stay there for ages and I thought it would try a less direct approach, kept calling and watching and it stayed in the initial route. Spotted the ears first at 40 odd yards but it had a fair trot on ! Made an odd squeek to stop it and it worked - at 25 yards a central front chest shot dropped it on the spot - well it would would'nt it !


Other one for next time.







Edited by AndyCM
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nice work, once had a similar event, was sitting out for foxes when i heard the cock birds call up and a rustleing to my right, looked over slowly to see these two ears bobbing up and down just on hte edge of the valley i put the cross hairs where i expected it to appear, all it took was the noise of the safety to get its attention, that was 20 yards between the eyes with the 222, made a bit of a mess :sly:


still one less fox for the land owner to worry about even if it wasnt the most challenging of shots.


good work :shoot:

Edited by dunganick
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Hi Nick,


Nice one.


I took the safety off when I started calling on this occasion- not something I normally do - but as the fox was in full view and seemed keen with the rifle pointing at a backstop I could see me clicking the safety off later at such close range and spooking it.


The plan worked - it doesn't always.




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Is that an Anschutz andy?...i have fox issue too but wait for Gwent police to issue my FAC. Only been waiting 3 months.


I just had a look at rimfirecentral.com and some " crack shot" on the site claims to kill a Praire Dog with a 17hmr @ 370 yards.


But they always do things better don't they!?

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Hi Rogo,


Anschutz !, for spending time in mud, dust, under and over barbed wire fences - no way.


The rifle is a CZ452 American heavy barrel, it's nice and accurate too - except maybe on crows :shoot: Thinking about that miss the shot was down at a bit of an angle - which I did not allow for - i'll have to put a target out next time to check the effect.


3 months - that's a long time, hope you get it soon.


I don't know how big a prarie dog is, not seen one in Kent recently but I do know from the range testing that my .17hmr drops enough at 200 for me not to take shots that far out. I tend to keep to 150 yards for headshot bunny's.




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