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fussy springer wont eat

darren m

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PERCE - i was very interested in the barf , but on looking at it looks like there is a lot more too it and getting the right balance could be a bit hit and miss :yes:


in relation to the frozen mince , how much do you give your dogs per feed


BARF & Raw feeding are different. I raw feed which means veggys don't play a signicant part in the diet, I do feed some veggy but not daily. My labs weigh somewhere between 50 - 60 lbs so at 2 - 3% of body weight a day that's something like 1 1/2lbs a day. As I said I used to weigh the food when I started but now I guess. I feed my growing 13 month old more than I feed my mature 4 year old. My older dog used to be a ******** machine that wouldn't put on condition eating dry food she's completely different now.

I'd guess a springer would need 3/4 to 1 lb of food a day, weigh her at the vets to check.


My 13 month old Lab bitch, Poppy.


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mate she looks in mint condition :yes:

sounds quite easy , i have notice the pup actually as better stools and less of them when on the tripe and chicken free flow mince.


only thing i ,m worried about is will she be getting the full nutrition that adding a complete food would provide ie for muscle and bone growth etc.


how much veg do you actually feed your young lab


thanks again for the info

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The veg is usually all the peelings from Sunday lunch (not potato) with usually some extra carrot, apple, a couple of eggs (shells as well) & some veggy or olive oil. All of this is pulped up in the blender. I usually give them 2 or 3 heaped table spoons of this mixed up with the mince or tripe. I'll give them this twice a week. A big bonus of raw feeding is the lack of **** compared to dry foods, what does come out is very dry & hard. When crushed it turns to powder. Read all of what's on this site http://www.krisannriorawfeeding.com/index.htm a few times, I found it very good. We've got 3 kids, they grown up fit & healthy on what we wanted to feed them on & so I'm confident enough to do the same with my dogs. Give it a go, it's not as daunting as it may seem.

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