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webber & McF Scotland Trip 2009


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McF and I have regretfully returned. Another long awaited shooting break over all too soon, but as usual not without its events.


We arrived a little before our anticipated time, amidst glorious weather, but with a slight wind. We soon had the Rangie unpacked, and was ready to commence checking the zeros on the small arsenal that we had took. Unfortunately the wind had picked its feet up so much that we decided that it would be a waste of time and ammunition performing the task in the usual location. We therefore decided to head for a small glen that was well sheltered. As we approached the whole area lifted with rabbits which we felt would bode well for the rest of the week.


We soon had the various rifles zeroed, all but McFs Browning .22 Semi, which true to form consumed subs at a rate of knots with only one tangible result; that being its annual strip and clean in an effort to improve accuracy. Having watched the weather forecast we decided to leave the task until the promised rain arrived in a day or so. We returned to base, ate a most excellent meal, and turned in. 7 1/2 hours on the road is enough for any man.


We were out quite early the next morning, me with my trusty Anschutz .17 HMR, and McF sporting his recently acquired CZ of same calibre. We were soon into the rabbits, and soon had one of our worst dreams realised. This was McFs 25th. year at the same location, and whilst myxy has always been present, we found it difficult to shoot any rabbit that had not succumbed.


We returned to base to an excellent cooked breakfast, but lacking one vital ingredient. McF had entrusted me with the task of menu preparation, and provision acquisition. I had done the shopping in our local Aldi, and whilst I'm usually satisfied with their products, I'm afraid that their black pudding failed to impress, and therefore remained on the shelf, similarly, I failed to locate any garden peas. Mrs webber volunteered to visit another store and procure the few deficiencies. They do say that if you want a job done, do it yourself. The soup dragon returned with processed peas, and no black pudding, enough said; other than a trip into Banchory was required. We could suffer processed peas, but no black pudding was not on.


Wise men check their equipment before embarking on an annual expedition. I regret to advise that both McF and myself failed in one small, but very important item. McF discovered that he had not fitted the battery into his illuminated reticule scope, and the battery for mine was flat. A visit to several shops located a battery for McF, black pudding, OXO, and two excellent small hessian sacks donated by a helpful iron monger.


On our return journey to base we noticed a few hundred pigeon and crows in a few fields that had been combined and the strew was being bailed. We decided that this was too good an opportunity to miss. For years we had wondered who owned those fields, and lusted after some pigeon shooting on them.

They do say that you should strike when the iron is hot; as we intercepted the tractor at the field gate the iron was white hot as McF bailed out of the Rangie before it had stopped. The tractor driver stopped his engine and opened his cab door. As I approached the tractor, I could not believe my ears; before McF could open his mouth the driver asked us if we fancied a go at the pigeons? Yes please! He was pleased that someone was interested in shooting them, and told us to fill our boots. We explained that we made an annual trip, and exchanged details. He also gave us directions to another field that was in the process of being combined. If anyone is wondering how the driver knew that we were interested in shooting the pigeon, it may be that my car registration includes the word GUN, and McF was dressed similar to Elma Fudd.


We checked out the various fields and discussed possible sites for a hide. Returned to base collected our shotguns, cartridges, and my pigeon shooting gear. I emphasise the MY, as McF had decreed weeks prior to our trip that he was not taking his pigeon gear as it had been years since he had used it on our trip, and was a waste of effort getting it out of the shed. May I predict that we shall not be travelling quite so light next year. We set up in a likely spot, and managed a couple of crows and 6 woodies before they went to roost.


We returned to base and whilst the evening meal was being cooked the well forecast heavy rain commenced, putting the mockers on our plans for a evening lamping. We watched TV until quite late, as we knew that the rain was due to be in all of the following day. It rained hard all through the night, and after an extended lie in looked out of a window to see that the burn in the distant valley had burst its banks in several places and many acres were well flooded. A late breakfast doubled as lunch. The rain never stopped, and I remained all day, in the fashion that I had arose, in my pyjamas. Cabin fever eventually got a grip of McF, and he donned his wellies hat and coat to go to the Rangie to get the cleaning mat. It was obvious that the annual Browning semi strip down marathon and head scratch was about to commence. Throughout the extended period I muttered various words of encouragement to McF, along the lines of how much he could draw if he scrapped the gun; how much he could save on bullets over the next 10 years if he scrapped the rifle; how much I could save on WD40, kitchen roll, not to mention breath. We turned in around 10pm in anticipation of a brighter early start.


Friday dawned amidst light rain, so we opted to have a ride around and shoot out of the windows with the HMRs. Regretfully we discovered that the myxy had a good grip throughout the estate, and we soon realised that we were unlikely to return home with freezer boxes full of butchered rabbit ready for friends and family. As we finished breakfast the rain had stopped, but McF pronounced that he had a pain in his heal, and required pain killers. Having turned out the contents of 3 first aid kits to no avail, it was decided that a further trip to Banchory was essential, and we could check the pigeon fields. As we approached the area the road was flooded in one area, and the Feugh had burst its banks. On the return trip from the pharmacy we decided to do the tourist thing and view the Falls of Feugh; they were quite spectacular with all the water running off the mountains. We returned to base, made sandwiches, and hitched up the quad bike. Using the Rangie on the fields would not be a good idea. Although one of the gateways was well flooded the quad made short work of transporting us and the gear to our chosen spot. We built a hide, but after 40 minutes or so had only taken one shot; we therefore decided to move. We set up utilising a dry stone wall as a front screen, round bales as a back drop and two nets for sides. Bingo, steady shots until around 6:30 Sadly we soon realised that the once formidable duo of pigeon shooters with a cartridge to kill ratio of 1.4 had some serious improving to do. We returned to base, and after our evening meal went out lamping with the .22 bolt actions. I can't report how many rabbits we shot, other than to say it was lots. Again everyone that we inspected had sucumbed to myxy.


Saturday was much the same, other than when we arrived at the pigeon fields we discovered another shooter having a walk around. He came over to the car and advised us that he did have permission and that he was quite new to pigeon shooting; had tried decoying a couple of times, but had no luck. I therefore asked if he would like to join McF and me for a few hours later on. We agreed that we would meet up in 1 1/2 hours and that he would bring what ever pigeon shooting gear that he had. McF and I returned later loaded the gear onto the quad and set off across the fields. The secondary stealth exhaust silencer certainly seemed to have been worthwhile the considerable expense.


As we approached our chosen spot, our new friend J beamed out a large smile, pleased to see us, fully equipped with what turned out to be one of Deakos starter kits. I promptly explained the safety rules for multi occupancy hides, and set about showing J how to build a hide, whilst McF saw to the decoy layout. The birds were soon interested and we had steady shots for a few hours. At an appropriate moment McF showed J the decoy layout and the basic principles employed. We finished shooting around 6:30, and J headed off for his well appointed home to cook dinner as it was his wedding anniversary. We all enjoyed the company and experience; I'm certain that we shall soon have yet another PW member.


Sadly, we were defeated by the weather yet again, and so no night time foray was feasible. Sunday and time for home came around all to quickly, and following the hearty breakfast of condemned men, whilst McF cleaned and tidied the accommodation, I loaded the car with the combined equipment of the Parr and Newton Light Infantry (Mechanised Division). We moved off at 11:45, with heavy hearts, and plans for next year.


Following a refuelling stop and around 1 hour on the road I heard a loud crash and realised that one of the trailer ramps had fallen down and was dragging on the road. A swift stop and inspection revealed that one of the securing anti loose pins had sheared off. Within a few minutes we affected a temporary repair with a few cable ties, and was soon on our way home again.


I was most pleased to receive a text message from J this morning; trusting that we had arrived home safely, and advising that he had set up on Sunday afternoon, and managed 16 for 60 odd shots.


McF and I were both back at work today; in body at least.


No doubt McF will post a few pictures, but don't hold your breath; for whilst he did remember to take the camera, he forgot to take it out with him on most occasions.



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short video taken on my mobile of webber shooting a pigeon on our trip to Scotland look closely to see the pigeon dropping.

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A video of the falls of Feugh taken on the bridge of Feugh the day after the heavy rain.



name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
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More pics and videos tomorrow.

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A video of the falls of Feugh taken on the bridge of Feugh the day after the heavy rain.



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type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">


More pics and videos tomorrow.


Wouldnt fancy falling in that....

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