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were are they

chris o

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i have been doing a bit of shooting had took a few when they were decoying. whent couple of weeks ago and they decoyed whent the other day and there not decoying and just flew straight over and didnt even look once at the decoys i tried every pattern i could think of and still nothing. whent yesterday and not even a sign of a bird any were to be seen.

this is my first year shooting with a shotgun so is there anything i need to do? and also i have noticed a few geese flying over can i get them to come on to the fields at all? and how could i do this? any advice any one?

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You do get days like that when the birds just wont come in.


The main reason could be that they had their minds set on going to one field that they new had a good food supply and they generally wont go anywhere else.


On them sort of days you wont to get under the flightline with a pigeon magnet or something just to get the birds to a sensible height and just shoot them as the fly over, you will get some great sporting shots but the bag might not be that big.

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