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dosen't time fly

tommy trucker

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it dosent seem that long ago that i was out shooting foxes. i was speaking to a farmer last week and he asked me to shoot a fox he had regulary been seeing on his land.

with further investigations i found out it wasnt just 1 fox but a full family. the land that they are on is regulary poached by young lads with lurchers on a night. they all think that their dogs will take a fox and all they are doing is making the foxes very lamp + call shy(most of the dogs they own would be classed as articles in my eyes)

this young vixen was a bit shy but couldnt resist the good old whistle

i'm going to deal with the rest of them this weekend (hopefully) B) :D


pic taken with nokia 6680 (good eh!!) :lol:

Edited by tommy trucker
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Great photo Tommy :lol: .

Im doing the same sorta work me self for a farmer who regularily see's foxes and wants rid of them so that his chickens dont go missing, which they have been on a regular basiss, i have had 4 dog foxes so far, but no vixens, a bit strange B) .

Tommy, the wild cat moderator you have, have you heard any bad reports on it?

As i was reading on predator masters forum that they tend to blow up at the end :D .

Apparently, this has happens quiet a few times.

Have you heard anything?


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