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About timmy1146

  • Birthday 23/02/1993

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    shooting, engineering and outdoors

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  1. Agreed I should have just taken it up with them at the time, was concentrating too much on filling both my slots. Will probably just end up renewing SGC and going co term in 2 years. I don't want the anti gun establishment to think they have deterred my gun ownership. Since the fee's have gone up, has anyone heard or experienced of a better service from their Firearms teams? I'm pretty sure I remember reading the BASC was pushing for better service's in exchange for higher fee's. I.e plastic cards to carry instead of certs and faster admin times
  2. My SGC is up for renewal while my FAC has another 2 years to run (the FEO was meant to do a Co Term on when I was granted the FAC but didn't) I've just phoned the MET firearms enquiry office and they've told me I can only do a CO Term whenever my FAC is up for renewal but not now when my SGC is up for renewal. She advised the only way round it was to cancel my FAC and SGC then start a whole new application, any weapons in my possession would have to be given to someone to look after while the application was being processed. OR just pay the SGC renewal then pay for CO Term in 2 years. Anyone had experience with this before?
  3. Brought back a lot of spair parts for my remington from the U.S. Never had any problems.
  4. Thanks for the advise people. Decided to leave it in the end. Speaking of dodgy dealings, I came across this "C2R Copper Remover" that it apparently made in the UK by some Rifle Champion. I couldn't find any material data sheets or even any proof that the company that is on the bottle is even registered with company's house. What's going on with that?
  5. Just flicking through on fleabay and came across this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281588686651?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_sacat%3D0%26_nkw%3D281588686651%26_rdc%3D1 Seems a good price for 500ML. Worth a try?
  6. true, although not everyone needs 3.5"
  7. Get the Versamax. got mine for £699 new. Reliable, cycles 21g's out of the box. a little heavy due to the gas system on the barrel but not really anything very noticeable. the gas system can go a long time before it needs cleaning. The Versamax is mechanically a Benelli Super Black Eagle 2 but it is gas powered and has Remington on the side. Parts from the SBE2 are interchangeable with the Versamax. Only thing i don't like is it only comes in a 28Inch barrel. would be perfect if it had a 24inch. Bear in mind as well, Remington have just released a new shotgun called V3 which is a re-design of the VersaMax which you may be better of waiting for to come over here.
  8. Use the camera on your phone. IR shows up on digital cameras
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