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Vel Crow

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About Vel Crow

  • Birthday 23/06/1970

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  • Gender
  • From
    Ruthin, North Wales.
  • Interests
    All kinds of Shooting,Beating and working my Spaniel Taffy and Labrador Ollie..

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  1. Hi, the plugs/sockets take a 6mm jack plug.. have a look at the link below, cheers... http://clulite.cluson.co.uk/miscellaneous-parts/221-jack-plug-6mm.html
  2. I've had these hanging round in the shed for some time and they're just in the way now, I'm sure some one will be able to make use of them... 5 x Cluson Clulite Battery cases pretty tidy really with only scratches, none with any cracks.. All wiring, sockets, LEDs, battery wedges, sholder straps and fuses are in place and everything works as it should... All they need are batteries..... How does £17 each sound??. PS... I am willing to post at buyers cost, not sure on price yet but it wont be much.. http://clulite.cluson.co.uk/canvas-bags-plastic-cases/118-clubman-case-plastic-c-w-pod-lid.html
  3. These foxes are becoming a real problem now, theyre crapping on every ones lawns and driving all the dogs in the area mad at night now and they in turn are keeping me awake.... has any one any ideas of what to do to solve the problem??, shooting and snares are deffo not an option, too many do-gooders close by for that...
  4. Deffo no chooks round there guys... just people with no idea feeding them in back gardens and thinking they look qute!!. Funnily enough though, they're the same people that end up complaining bout bad smells, ripped bins, **** in the garden and foxes comming in the house???.. Town folk, i just cant work'em out!!.
  5. To be exact I took these photos at my girlfreind's house in Ellesmere Port and they are a pain to be sure.. Another neighbour told me people feed them on the park at the back of the house and that the bloke who's shed it is has had trouble with them going in the house!!. One thing is for sure is that they're bloody tame!!.. Wat's going on???
  6. Spotted this pair on next doors shed and house roof the other day.. No wonder my dogs are going mental in the night!!
  7. Clulite Lazerlite LA2.. Brand new in the box, its never been used.. £45 posted http://clulite.cluson.co.uk/spotlights/21-la2-lazerlite-1million-c-power-db-jp.html
  8. Yep... Jizer is your man, ive used it for years.
  9. I took my 14 year old lad Josh out for a shot on saturday our last meet of the season. The poor lad only got a few shots off in the day with nothing to show for them and everyone was feeling a bit sorry for him, at about 4ish we decided to go down to some flashes to try and get a few ducks.. after about 40 odd duckless mins Josh spots a couple of Mallards about 40 yards up and gave it a go.. Stone me he dropped the two with one shot and then drops another one 10 mins later in full veiw of everyone!!. Needless to say he was one very happy lad and even happier when some of the other lads gave him a nick name... Bloody 'TOP GUN'.. I was made up for him.
  10. I was just enjoying this exellent film and i realised i actually work 5mins away from where it was filmed, i can see this spot off the roof!!.
  11. I know Jono that runs Bodfaun Shoot and hes a really nice fella, its his first year and hes put everything into setting it up... its a shame there are always ***** around that will take advantage of a good character, he doesnt need this type of thing... Bodfuan Shoot Italian Group in for the last three days, shot plenty, had a great time, out to dinner with them. Then they did a runner in their mini bus without paying! http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000861847346
  12. Ive got a pretty good idea where u are now... is that Dewi back middle??
  13. Oh yeah, my mistake sorry John 'C' as in the beer!!, ive met him on a shoot in Bodfari a few times.. nice guy. Where are you anyway??
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