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duck ponds


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would like to ask a bit of advice we have recently got a flight pond back in august which we are feeding and have ducks coming to it well just this week we have gained another 2 flight ponds which is great news for us the thing id like to ask is whts the best way of shooting these ponds as the ponds are all within a 1 mile radius of each orther but all on different farms 3 of us shoot together would it be best to go to a pond each when we shoot them next month or shoot 1 pond at a time

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Thats a a good question! And there are two possible answers as you identify.


I have a similar situation on a small shoot I am on, three ponds, although two are almost next door to each other!


One risk of shooting all the ponds at the same time is that you may make them all 'hostile' to the duck - where as shooting one at a time only, means the other two are rested, a sanctuary as it were and you can rotate wich ones you shoot, I would go for this option.


Worth keeping a bit of light feeding goging on all the pods in the shallows - not much, just bits , but i guess you will be well on top of this!



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My advice is don't be so greedy and let someone else have a pond :blink: :lol: . No I would have to agree with David Basc especially if the ponds are in close proximity; you will find after the ducks have been fired at a few times, if they have nowhere to rest they will maybe leave the area. Good luck.

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