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About mame-man

  • Birthday 23/11/1969

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    shooting<br />RC<br />making money!!
  1. mk1 or mk2? are you sure that's a 7 litre? kinda looks like a 3 based on the number of bricks high in the wall
  2. mine came from when i started building retro arcade game tables to sell using the pc based emulator software called "mame"
  3. well it looks like mine is knackered, so need to find a replacement if anyone has a working one they want to get rid of? either that or anyone who knows the in's and outs to repair one? spoke to Daystate and they have none and will need to get one made, at least 4-6 weeks wait. lol ain't it always the way with "cheap" projects
  4. mame-man

    Which Chrono ?

    as far as having to remove moderators/silencers etc, everything i tested yesterday did not require themt o be removed except one. The falcon quickfill/moderator one piece unit is a bit too much height to it to securely fasten the chrono to it without fear of shooting it. other than that, like we have said before, seems to work 100% with everything else in place.
  5. mame-man

    Which Chrono ?

    well tested today, did not have laptop connected for saving the results and mapping however. But found it very easy to use and based against the ranges proper chono, just about spot on. I would recommend everyone to have one could easily see the difference a pellet makes, and how a specific gun does ir does not like a certain pellet. for example a bisley magnum in my steyr only managed 9.7lbs. using the jsb exacts that i normally run through it, 11.79lbs. tested a new airwolf and found with AA's it was consistently between 11.68 and 11.79lbs. well worth the £39.95 and free delivery
  6. mame-man

    Which Chrono ?

    cheers mate, yet it's the crombo 625 model, seems to be a fixed price of 39.95 everywhere, cable costs 8.95 from the manufactuer (serial, but they are working on a usb). will post some results this weekend no should be able to leave it on, they come with a v shaped unit that elastic band to the end of the rifle and then the chrono part slips into a grooved portion on the front of this V shaped carrier and allows you to centre the chrono with the barrel centre. so should work with most things.
  7. mame-man

    Which Chrono ?

    just bought one and the serial interface to the computer. heard good things about it and for the price if it's any good it's well worth it's money. Will have a better idea on friday when i take it over a mate's to test a few rifles on and do some trend analysis with it's log files in excel.
  8. Paul, looks nice mate. I'll take it I have a mate looking for one. you have pm. greg
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