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~Sean R~

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  1. I wear Duck-Dri clothing. They are based in Ibstock in the Midlands. Try looking at some of the gamefairs they are usually there. Can be a bit pricy though! Happy Hunting
  2. Out of interest where did u all get your flying deeks from? I'v bin looking round at them but they seem so expensive! Sean
  3. I use Rio 6's for everything (apart from wildfowling!) but its a matter of personal opinion. Dont know how much they are for 1000 cus I only buy them in 250's! (it would be something about £80-90 per 1000) Yours Sean
  4. if your prepared to travel you could look at the leicester wildfowlers. their website is www.leicswa.org.uk (i think!). you can get more info from there. hope this helps Sean
  5. Recently my Dad recieved his mail order fishing cataloge and i was wondering if there was anything like it for shooting? I have already got the deben catalogue, are there any more? Thanks Sean
  6. I was always under the impression that you could shoot a fox with a shotgun as long as it was not at any range and appropriate shot was used (ie no 2,1 BB etc). As far as i am aware it is not against the law but it might be worth finding out. If you do can you let me know as i would be very interested. Sean
  7. Personably i believe in just using the white light from the lamp but if the wabbits are gettin a bit wise then any variation will do!
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