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Posts posted by nagantino

  1. I've only bought once but it was a good experience. I was interested in a Lee Enfield SMLE. I bid £115 and got it. Locally I was asked £800 for one. I rang Holts who went and got the rifle and described it over the phone. I was happy. When I got the gun the front sight was loose and was replaced by me. I would not have expected Holts to notice that.  I was emailed immediately by them a bit like eBay. 

  2. I shot my last hare 30 years ago and swore never to do it again. My choice. My father shot plenty and we ate them all, stewed. But, there's just something about them that lifts them above anything else. Let's not even talk about their mystical associations. Like I say, my choice.

  3. Yes, that's the Mournes. This is my best field but I didn't fire a shot on it this year. There were birds on it during early September but only on flattened patches so I didn't want to wade through the standing barley. My other good field wasn't in barley but silage and nothing there either. Two good days on OSR though.

  4. You cannot own an "Assault Rifle" in the UK except for small Calibre .22. I've seen one or two that are straight pull but that is the same as a bolt action rifle. Some who are contributing here seem to have a tenuous grasp of guns in general and who and what you can own. The vast majority of people have no knowledge of shooting and have no sympathy either so we are "easy meat" for legislators who are equally ignorant of firearms. The NRA has grown strong by taking a Not An Inch attitude in the USA. Who could blame them when we see fellow shooters in the UK gladly endorse the banning of guns that they don't have. IT OFFENDS ME AND MY SENSABILITIES SO I WANT IT BANNED.......but never mind the rights of the law abiding minority.

  5. A cf pistol is a 100 % anti personnel gun.it has no hunting or sporting use in my opinion .

    And surely practising with them is to prepare for shooting people .

    I'm all for supporting other shooting sports and dont agree with the proposed ban on 50. Cal in the UK .

    I spent all day yesterday shooting Revolver and pistol and not one of us was "preparing to shoot people". If I hurry I can go out again today with some more decent blokes who shoot cf handguns, bring their own sandwiches, tell tall stories and try hard to beat their friends score in competition. If gun owners are only too willing to join the anti gun lobby then you have every right to be apprehensive for the future.


    I live in Norhern Ireland.

  6. The HD thing was a mistake, but unless a desire is there for an easing of the restrictions then it will not happen, but the shooting fraternity must show the desire. If you talk it down it will never happen. Northern Ireland, The Islle of Man and the Channel Islands have these rights. Why not everyone else? It would be a long road but only if shooters really want those rights restored.

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