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  1. believe in everything you read do you. your very quick to pass judgment. i havnt owned a .222 for quiet some time now. as is on my info bit i have just .22lr for bunnys 17 hmr for buny and fox and .223 for fox. I have merely just proved to a friend of mine how people are quick to critisize other methods in shooting. somebody called me arrogant but that itself is just ignorance. im sorry if i offended anyone tonight that wasnt my intention. i stick to the rules as im sure you all do. safe shooting and goodnight
  2. is anyone else going to answer the question with honesty or are your horses too high. i know the rules and i know my trade i have done it for long enough thankyou and very well indeed. youve all shot at things you shouldnt of im sure. 40gr is ample at 30 yds to the head. but this is not my norm round i usally use 55gr sp. but on this night 40gr were the load and foxes the game just happend upon a munty. muntys are classed as pests in my area and as it was a buck no probs there.a question was asked to which i answered
  3. got the t-shirt m8. but respect your opion thanks.
  4. Besides...... Im sure no one on here has ever shot a rabbit with a .233,22-250 or .243 have they ? because rabbit control wouldnt be on your licence for these calibers and that would be a no no wouldnt it. yeah right
  5. They do round here as for the poaching i'm sorry to say no poaching involved... this time.
  6. muntjac deer come under vermin control so lamping is fine
  7. as i said head shot straight down. The result would be exactly the same had it of been a 50gr , 55gr etc.
  8. pretty good in my .223 no complaints here.
  9. Hi Nick, Rule of thumb is clean when it needs to be cleaned ie if there is a good build up of kak. i do mine every now and then. there is no harm in keeping a moddy clean. you wouldnt let your rifle get too dirty would you. im sure youll hear otherwise on here but i am ex army and know that a clean rifle and well looked after kit will save your life
  10. bout 2 weeks ago bout 11.30 on a fri night got me a nice big buck with my .222 using 40gr v-max. Head shot straight down and some very nice eating aswell. Have taken plenty of muntys with my .222. it is far more than capable to do it. happy hunting
  11. .222 exelent for foxes but my preference is .223 superb caliber. ammo choice brilliant. and if you dont want to reload and your lucky then privi partizan cost £8 per 20. it aint the caliber or the ammo its the shooter that makes the difference. it isnt a case of mines bigger than yours. start small and work your way up and youll find out for yourself. gotta be the best way
  12. simmons whitetail classic 3.5 - 10 x 50 suits me just fine looks nice aswell
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