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Everything posted by bigoak

  1. I just read this. It goes to show how adherence to good advice pays dividends. Well done to Gary,Juba and NTTF. I just have one question, is a stop whistle just a **** whistle? I just get my dog to sit at distance with the single blast.
  2. Varget is too slow to get good speeds out of a 222. We call it 2208. I have tested 2208 and 2206 h in 222s but bith were slow (under 3000) however both were surprisingly accurate. BM1, 2207 or Alliant Re7 will all suit your 222.
  3. yeah its good alright!! Paint the chicken with some BBQ or Tomato sauce (Oh sorry you fellas call it brown sauce) and sprinkle a few herbs. Its Fantastic.
  4. What do you search for on ebay to find these?
  5. Mate, I made a stuffer out of water pipe. Requires the quick use of a lathe. I am sure a wood turning lathe would suffice. An example can be found on my YouTube site barnfinkle. I have written the directions on how to make it and it is in guns and game magazine. I agree With Colin. You need a dedicated stuffer.
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