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Posts posted by glogin

  1. Your videos are always top notch, well done



    EDIT- out of interest, where did you get the 'last bite' from?


    Thanks. I am Polish and grew up with this hunting tradition, this is what my father showed me and what we did on all driven hunts. I just continue the tradition.

  2. Another classic video :good:

    I like the camouflage to break up your silhouette in the high seat, I have always thought it's a good idea.

    People looking to go deer stalking could learn a lot from your videos.

    It makes sense in a scenery like that especially for red deer. These branches allow you to move a bit without being noticed although that doe knew from the start where to look and that something was up

  3. fantastic video yet again sir,well done indeed



    I always enjoy your videos, thank you for making the effort to make them.



    Excellent thank you.

    What a fantastic location.



    Thank you glogin,

    excellent video, - enigmatic sound track, and thought provoking footage.

    I anticipated the shot more than once,

    cheers, Tedward.


    I believe we should be quite selective what should be taken early in the season and avoid shooting mature hinds, especially when they have a calf at foot.

    To be honest I cocked up a stalk once or twice too and either was spotted first or never managed to get ready one time....

    Thanks for watching.

  4. A very professional video with great sounds and sights. I particularly liked the clip of the hind tasting the air when she suspected that you were close by.

    I felt the wind on my neck and she instantly knew where I was even though she could not possibly see me...

  5. Took couple of days off for the rut. Seen several nice stags, but shot an older cull stag, that I still considered as a nice trophy. I did not take any of the bigger master stags as I was not sure their age.
    It was filmed in Poland and here probably should come some explanation as why I took this stag and not the other.
    In this country all stalkers have to follow selective shooting and every trophy is scored after the season. The stags (fallow bucks, roebucks too..) have to be shot according to permit given and follow certain criteria, otherwise there are some consequences, such as ban for another two years...
    For example, a medal head stag has to be over 11yo. 8..11yo should be below 5.5kg net weight, etc. Criteria are quite complex and aging deer is never easy...
    I took a stag I knew was over 8yo and unlikely to be above 5.5kg, but in this area most of the stags are medal class and most I saw I think were quite young.
    Please comment if you think and other stag was good to take and why.
    Rifle Blaser R8 in .308 and SST 165gr reloads. 141kg larder weight.
    Hope you enjoy it, thanks for watching.



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