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Posts posted by robmiller

  1. Hi guys

    the girlfriend works in a sawmill, i got her to ask one of the lads to cut two squares of wood that sits infront of the skirting but is high enough to lift the cabinet above as so it slide back over the top of the skirt flush with the wall. Once bolted it in, its as tight as hell and the blocks are in solid. Absolutely fine with the FLO.

  2. Just wondering if anyone is looking to get rid of a dog cage. New lab pup expected in december and looking to start to collate the equipment.

    Not looking for anything expensive.



  3. £10-£12 for 50.

    Longer range ability of shots. More averse to being affected by wind etc with it being a smaller round.

    Yes they would grant you a variation if you put it down for long range vermin control and the .22 for short range.

    Whole range of mods available equally priced to ,22

  4. cant get on there at work! Which is the only place i have the internet! Some sites are banned! Take this is one of them as its purely gun based.

    Can anyone email me or message me the concensus?!



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