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Posts posted by robmiller

  1. Am just due to go out and buy myself a .17hmr.


    I have noticed, as with .22's there is a variety of long barreled and short barreled. I am wanting to look at a CZ 16".


    The question is, do people feel a longer barrel on this calibre would be beneficial......or it doesnt make a halfpenny of difference.



  2. I have a CZ 16". Fantastic, most accurate rifle i have ever used. Friend has an expensive Anschutz and he cant hit for toffee. The guns is only part of it. But highly recommend the CZ. It wouldnt be fun if you werent always looking for a gun.

  3. Have sorted! Basically......i filled it up........and it wouldnt go past 3/4 full!


    I filled it up again........and it filled right up! So that one is now remedied!


    However now......the exhaust isnt making pretty noises. Need to spend a few hundred quid on it to be fair! Anyone know of anyone in the north east........that does anythign for cash?

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