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Posts posted by robmiller

  1. Yeah its going on a bit now.


    Someone has cash, they buy a nice house, a nice car......nice clothes, nice gun?!


    Expensive things in general, arent really any better than less expensive things. Expensive 3 bed House, cheap 3 bed house. Can still live in it.


    My view on expensive guns is the same system as buying a house, buy cheap and therefore remain at the bottom of the ladder and have a limited choice. Buy a touch higher up the chain and you lose a little but still have a good amount to add to to go a step higher.


    Maybe i am talking **** but i shoot with guys with 5k+ brownings and farmers with Baikals and Lauronas. Does it really matter? Snobs tend to be ******* either way, down as they have had a snobbish up bringing and up because they are jealous of what other people have. Does it really matter?


    As already echoed, it what you do with it that matters. And if you enjoy peoples company what does it matter what they shoot or what they can afford.


    My guns a nice gun......and i am still a ******** shot. But hey ho, i still like to have it and hopefully can be something i give my son (if i am lucky enough to have one).

  2. Right i aint used the famoush auction site


    How does the costs work? A lad i used to go to uni with ****** in a bottle and sold that on there. Years ago. My mate also put a photo of me and tried to auction my virginity.

  3. I did half the house myself then got *****d off and got someone in to do it. The quality of their work compared to mine was too much not to pay anyone ever again!

    I am utterly pants at DIY, painting......and being real man.

  4. Ok, i am a DIY and instruction following retard.


    However, i am looking to see if anyone would have any plans or ideas for me to treat myself to a hand made personalised sheath knife or walking stick?

    I am looking for something with my initials (or my dads initials as a present) or even both as this could be something he could have and pass down. We have a tradition that initials are passed down JRM and JWM in our family so this may be an engraving idea.


    Could anyone help possibly?


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