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Posts posted by wymberley

  1. We're told that apparently CIP have put a limit on this material of 425m/s at the MV2.5. Also, we're told, that measuring at the 2.5m is no good - it's far better to use 25m as that's where stuff is shot. To this end, again apparently, the No4's little brother, No6 is doing 251m/s at this distance. Any shotgun ballistic measurement assumes that the shot is a fairly well  made sphere which we know that these are not. Also any measurements are  averages based. It's impossible to be accurate as the variously given figures are all over the place. Suffice to say taking all this into account I would imagine CIP would have something to say about the MV required to achieve that velocity 

  2. True Cylinder has been mentioned a couple of times. Irrespective of how it performs it has been muted that the percentage figure was given to keep things tidy and certainly in order to achieve the designated figure and shoot consistently there's a couple of thou' choke present one way or another.

  3. I'm perfectly content with lead shot and have no intention of changing. My timeline is such that I don't think I'll have to unless Labour win the next election and immediately before anything else bans its use. Consequently, just on the off chance and as I have the time I do keep half an eye on what's going on. From the available options, the Bio ammo Blue has caught my eye. The problem is though that the figures published in the media are all over the place and so contradictory such that obtaining a reasonably accurate idea of what's what as a starting point is impossible. This is not helped by the variations from the norm which Bio have used in their sizing. I am not for one minute saying that this is excessive in practice, but with the help of the media it is making life difficult having to choose which figures to believe. It did catch me out a couple of times when trying to see what was what when trying to print some some results.

    With Peter's kind help I have got the No 4s sorted. If anyone feels inclined to have a fiddle, individual pellet weight (or number of pellets and load weight) plus their diameter ( it seems that this can be iffy and requires  more than the usual average as they can be oval-ish) for the 5s and 6s would give me game, set and match. I would put my findings on here.


  4. At the moment only you know how your guns actually pattern with whatever cartridges. I would imagine that the chokes mentioned are as per the factory made them. All it is possible to do is assume that they do throw  2 stage - 1/2 and Full for example - pattern differences. There is a lot to be said for this - provided, of course, it suits your needs - as just the one stage offers no really appreciable difference in pellet strikes if your intention in using the tighter choke is to gain the extra couple of yards range.

  5. 22 minutes ago, wymberley said:

    Peter, you have a PM. As soon as I hear from you I can hit the 'submit' button - as long as I remember to do so. 

    There we go. You will have realised that this programme is for rifle work and all we need for this is the first three vertical columns, but it's easier to leave all as is rather than scratch around deleting what isn't required.

  6. 21 minutes ago, PeterHenry said:

    I don't have any scales, but if you PM me your address, I'll send you the contents of one thats been cut open.

    Peter, thank you very much indeed. I'm happy to do this but there may just be an easier way for you to help. If you have ALL of the contents pellet-wise, counting the number would suffice for my needs - I appreciate that the cartridge may not be spot on the nominal weight stamped on the case but it will be close enough and I'd just also need what that nominal weight was. If you can't be sure that you have them all, then I would need some pellets. PM inbound.

  7. 1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

    Konor and Old farrier ect have given good solid posts and reasoned discussion, Mr o Gorman has lapsed back into abusive, patronising mode, THATS what usually gets the thread closed.


    Agree entirely, particularly with your first phrase. I would imagine that there's a fine line between often and usually and doesn't your penultimate one sound like we're back where we started and going nowhere.

  8. Unless I have tasked and paid this mob to deliver something for me, I have no agreement or contract - call it what you will - with them. Consequently, could anyone tell me what right they have to charge me £5 if one of their clients has sent me a package on which whoever posted it used counterfeit stamps. Apparently, they're working hard to stop this. If they've learned anything from the Post Office as is they make haste slowly they're on a nice little earner

  9. 10 minutes ago, old'un said:

    don't fallout with any of your family….

    Gwent Police said it had now extended use of the questionnaire to other family members, not just partners’

    Mission creep. There'll be some who don't see what the issue is.

  10. 5 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:

    I’d love to start beach fishing but don’t know what half the stuff being talked about above even means! 

    I know them for their mail order but am sure that they also have a shop. Pop into 'Veals' in Hengrove.

  11. Should you practice , remember that you're learning technique not distance so an appropriately weighted ball  secured to the end of your line (plus swivel) can save an awful lot of walking (unless you want to get fit as well) if practicing on grass in the wet seasons. Once you've learned how to send the hook (hopefully plus bait), line and sinker into the wild blue yonder the easiest thing you can then do is to cast beyond where the fish are feeding - location and species dependent.

    Tight lines. 

  12. 19 hours ago, Mice! said:

    I measured the bore on my Axsor and BSA mods the other day,  but I can't think if they were 7 or 8mm, BSA mod is off a .177, Axsor is a. 22

    The Allen key provided to swap over the restrictors  to suit the calibres - .177,. 22 and .25 was 8mm for the BSA thingy. 

  13. 14 hours ago, Westley said:

    It was quoted to me by a representative on the BASC stand at last years Game Fair. I had asked about my best course of action for using 'alternative ' shot through my 100 years old Westley Richards, which left the makers bored I/C & 3/4 chokes and with 2 1/2"  chambers. As I have all but given up game shooting now, it is irrelevant anyway. I shall simply use it for growing runner beans up  !

    2!st century version of, 'Rest on on your arms. Reverse'. :sad1:

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