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  1. Lincolnshire send out renewal forms stating to send them back at least 4 weeks before your renewal date to ensure they can process them in time ! I sent mine back 6 weeks before my date. I rung them , as I noticed my cheque had not been cashed. They had no record on the system of my renewals. She stated they had a backlog , of logging them on the system. My renewal date was the Sun before the last bank holiday Monday. On the Thursday before, having received no word or temp certificates, I rang again. They had no diary entry to say I needed temp certificates !! She stated she would do them on the Tuesday, until I told her I would be in unlawful possession of firearms ! She then did them that day and I picked them up. A sad, shocking state of affairs !
  2. Hi mate I'll take the .17 please. pm me payment details Col
  3. Hi I will take the boresnake and the cartridge belt please.Pm me paypal details and total please. Col
  4. Got to love some of the keyboard warriors on here !! Its ok saying i'd do this and i'd do that, but when that set of jaws on legs was flying at you, your mind would be in overdrive ! This dog was quite clearly trained to be like this by the halfwit, scumbag who owns it ! Perhaps your criticism should be better vented at him and like minded morons !!
  5. Hi Have you sold the folder ? Interested in the hunting knife. Col
  6. Welcome mate. Where in Lincs are you ? A great site here and i have learnt loads ! Enjoy. Col
  7. No mainland Chief Constable has ever had the ******** to authorise the use of rubber bullets. Given recent publicity and investigations into public order tactics, i doubt if one will grow a set now ! But yes it would sort out a great deal of these problems ! The do gooders in the country have firmly tied the Police's hands behind their backs, now reap the whirlwind, whilst Police Officers are injured left right and centre ! Funny how all we hear on the news is x amount of officers injured ! One little student gets a back hander or batoned and its all over every channel !
  8. The Taliban will go all out to bring down an Apache now ! It has always been a goal of theirs, but now even more so ! How effin stupid can these so called newspapers be ? Not only bringing extra danger to Harry but every other Apache pilot / gunner. Luckily the Apache has so much armament that he can give it back by the bucketload ! Go on Harry ! At last a Royal who earns his medals !!
  9. hi mate.... where in dunholme are you very interested in the gun.... i work in lincoln. thanks Glen

  10. Hi

    Am interested in a swap?

    How olds the gun?

    How much use has it had? are you an owner from new?

    Is there a multishot conversion available for this rifle?



  11. Rifle sold pending payment to arborman. Col
  12. Hi - any chance of having a look at the rifle - I'm in Dunholme - cheers - Neal

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