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About hurstpol

  • Birthday 13/05/1950

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  1. I have and will allways use Beswick in Rainhill he is very reliable he is a shooter and an all round good guy Frank
  2. I can not attend but will be there in spirit cheering my head off, our boys deserve the utmost support for their dedication and bravery doing an unpopular job on our behalf. Frank
  3. Well sec 19 firearms act 1968 states this is a direct cut from the act 19. Carrying firearm in a public place.A person commits an offence if, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse (the proof whereof lies on him) he has with him in a public place [F1 (a)a loaded shot gun, (b)an air weapon (whether loaded or not), ©any other firearm (whether loaded or not) together with ammunition suitable for use in that firearm, or (d)an imitation firearm.] the above means that if you have in your possesion a any of the above you are guilty of the offence, there is a proviso which is (without lawfull authority or reasonable excuse) but it is up to you to prove the authority or reasonable excuse, not the police. so I take from that if I am not shotting on private land the gun goes in my slip till I am, when out shooting game I allways have my slip with me and when walking from one peg to another the gun goes in it. that is the law as above but remember it is up to you to prove your case the police dont have to prove anything. right I know all about the buts, like it is only common sense I was just crossing the road from one field to another etc, but is it worth the risk, it is your personal choice and you dont have to justify that to me or anyone else, but I know what I do. Frank
  4. I agree, the level of paranoia is extreme at the moment and unfortunately we have to leave behind the good old days, we have to look after number 1 and to be extremely careful where firearms are concerned, we all have seen the story of the crop circle trespassers making a complaint about a man enjoying his sport lawfully on his permission and being arrested, so to take a chance in public sadly we have to think twice, but that is the brave new world we live in Frank
  5. there is no doubt about it carrying your shotgun in the street is a big NO NO ,you can not carry a shotgun in a public place (discounting obvious public places like clay grounds etc) unless it is covered i:e in a gun slip. Frank
  6. Thats fine mate you obviously didnt read it properly, I said things can and do go wrong in interviews. the applicant can be flustered because it is a big occasion for him so it is best not to take the chance, the feo can not be expected to think of everything for you and in the final analysis it is your ticket, I have loads of common sense how dare you judge me , you dont know me, I have helped through hundreds of applications, and I leaned over backwards to help applicants because I was a sportsman and tried to help others like me, because if they are applying for a fac or sgc they usually are decent people and I give them the courtesy of treating them accordingly, I am still in contact with people I helped through the process, and they would put you straight on your ill informed oppinion of me. There are some things you dont take chances with, just talk to BASC and ask them how many applications go PEAR SHAPED, I gave sound FREE advice but there is allways someone who knows better, I will leave the advice up to you in future you are obviously the expert and this forum obviously does not need my help
  7. thats fine if you want to do it, but it depends on your police force area and their procedures, ours was stringent when it came to firearms and you were required to state exactly what you wanted, and if it wasnt on the application and you forgot to mention it at interview, you did not get it. you can take the chance if you want but if you get gabbing at the inetrview and forget it, or you rely on your feo to ask you that is taking a big chance and you dont take chances, if you want it put it in the application dont rely on bad advice from others. Frank
  8. there are some clubs near to you, dee wildfowlers etc see link below http://wildfowling.com/ Frank
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