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crossy 666

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Posts posted by crossy 666

  1. Right lads I live in tamworth and have paid up but got a problem.

    My mates not going as away

    My missis has left me yesterday

    My mum and dad have booked a weekend away on said dates

    I've a broken leg

    I can't drive at the mo



    Crossy Kev?

    Anyone ? I'll pay for fuel

    yep no probs I will pick you up mate :good: you can lie down in the back of my L200 lol

  2. Cancel and re subscribe in couple weeks they will give you new kit then :)

    this is what we did :good:

    when I told them we was leaving they told me they wanted there box/dish back as it belong to them so I told them they best be qwick as I have just put it at the bottom of the drive for them :lol:

  3. I had one that was on my roof every day after my koi some worth £1000+ each but they were to big for him to take but he had ago at a number of them marking them he even got one out onto the grass but it was to big for him to pick up but he marked it. one day I found him in my wheel bin I dont no how he got there :whistling::whistling:

    may be he was after some rats like in the link above and ran out of air with the lid shut .

  4. You can't do that.


    You notify Plod of the sale or transfer within 7 days and return your certificate along with a request a free 1 for 1 variation for whatever calibre/action type of firearm you wish to buy next.


    When it's returned you will have an empty slot or "authority to acquire" another firearm even if it's exactly the same as the one you just sold.

    This is sounding hard work now :-(

  5. so from a users point of things what is the 100% clear identifiable distance on this unit very flat hear so would need to see

    what is beyond target

    Most of the land I have has been lamped to death around me so I brought my ns200 and I loved it. With this unit Nite site claim this unit will see a man size target at 500 yards. well I don't no about you but I didnt want to shoot men at 500 yard or anythink else for that matter but what I did want is to see more of the target to save us walking across fileds to find out its some sheep. The fox I shot I could see and identify at 300 yards and with watching it move/walk could 100% say it was a fox but we walked up on him and I took the shot at about 180 yards. Please bare in mind this is the first of many I hope and as I shoot more with it I will give better up dates.

    As for the price I dont drink and I dont smoke and I like my toys/gadgets so for me having had the ns200 it was a no brainer.


    Hi Crossy , i was told the new ones would not be available yet in the UK a few days ago

    over the phone by a nitesite lady , confusing or what!!!!!


    It took some blaging to get mate trust me. Just need the rain to stop now so we can go out and try it.

  7. We'll after getting the new eagle nite site on Friday I was hoping to come back and tell you all how good it was. after going out 3 nights in a row now and coming home with an empty bag I can't give you any reviews on it yet sorry.

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