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    lancashire and lincolnshire
  • Interests
    wildfowling and fishing i spend a great deal of time at my caravan in lincolnshire

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  1. posh part of colne , whats happend has the rest of it caught fire welcome mate
  2. hey you should be giving me those along with the bottle of irish
  3. JRS

    Popes visit

    i could save on any costs , stay where you are and dont bother comming one of his side kicks today condemd england as a banana republic and likend it to a third world country , well that tells us where the thoughts of the vatican lay , making up a bank balance for a bunch of kiddy fiddlers
  4. JRS

    Banned from the USA

    whats bill holding ? something monica should be sucking ? thats me banned again from america
  5. JRS

    Banned from the USA

    typicaly one sided american garbage , they still want to rule the world on there terms obama was quick to spout off about BP in the gulf of mexico , but not too quick to mention it was an american valve that blown out does this mean i am banned now
  6. you got a reply which included some light humor , but seen as you have had a sense humor by-pass we will be better of without you offer closed you boring ***
  7. this offer is now closed because i am sick of all the idiots , any sensible PMs replied to
  8. dont have a camera yet , but when i buy one i will post pics
  9. thanks guys and i am going to B&Qs art section
  10. you never asked about a friend and never offerd to pay you claimed that you were skint, the only thing i edited out of those PMs is your phone number and anyone who reads your reply's will draw their own conclusions
  11. it is in lancashire and your welcome to bring your wife , does she make butty's and serve cool beer ?
  12. right joe i was not going to mention names but YOUR one of the d ickheads that puts me off inviting people here below are the PMs joe sent to me , i would like you all to know that he came accross as a young lad who was skint so i invited him for a freebie also have a look at his posts in the wanted section Re:zzzzzzzz, Aug 24 2010, 03:33 PM Dead Eye Pigeon Shooter Group: Members Posts: 416 Member No.: 20847 Joined: 8-January 10 p.s my landline number is deleted, my name is tyler joe clay, everyone at home calls me joe so if you ring ask for joe please. I am very rarely in though! I am abit tight for money at the moment but get paid on the 15th, hopefully after all the bills have been payed i might be able to afford a day or 2 if you have anything to offer!? Thanks again sounds good, so i should just bring you some beer, bacon and eggs then!? I dont think that is much further from myne than what i travel to the humber! What gear do i need, i have plenty of warmth clothing (hats balaclavas, gloves), wellies, boots, waterproof trousers/coats...the 1 thing that all coastal wildfowlers should have but i dont is waders , my pair dissappeared when my girlfriends dad 'tidied' up the garage, havent got round to getting anymore yet. would it be possible for inland flighting or is there not much about inland? I get paid on the 16th of the month and i am free from 5pm thursday nights until work on monday at 11am so could travel thursday nights and leave for home saturday night sunday morning?! Cheers TJ note at this point because it was free he invited himself for three days Re:Inland Goose/Duck Shooting, Sep 7 2010, 07:11 PM Dead Eye Pigeon Shooter Group: Members Posts: 416 Member No.: 20847 Joined: 8-January 10 the inland shooting at , mallard teal and snipe is just for a few hours , i may be able to find some canada geese the coastal fowling is several days at once and no guarentees your quite welcome to come to either . regards john Is it group shooting or just you and me?? I would most like ago at inland shooting this season as i havent got any but if i can afford to maybe do coastal with you later in the season!? Thanks Joe then he asked if there was going to be a group or one to one shooting , at this point the little fellow had stretched his luck too far and i have blocked him ! so keep your freeloading scrounging nose out of my threads joe
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