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Posts posted by invector

  1. Catamong,


    I agree with you on that one. What I was trying to stress is that shooting at a large flock allows no opportunity for any of those frightened birds to return. They MAY be on their way to another field, but this isn`t necessarily so. I`ve left large flocks before now and some have returned in smaller groups. I`ve seen very large flocks split up in mid air and go in opposire directions, with many groups of twos and threes scattering in all directions, to settle in trees, and then come to my deeks. One thing I`ve learnt over the years is that you can`t be dogmatic about pigeon behaviour.

  2. I use the Nite Eye 3-9X50, with illuminated reticle, on both my CZ.22 Varmint and CZ .17HMR Varmint.


    I bought mine from JS Ramsbottom - the pair for £170.00 including VAT and postage!! Great saving and great service.

  3. They used alpha chloralose to stupefy pigeons, and just went round picking them up and necking them. :lol: Unfortunately songbirds also ate the bait and were killed by predators, so that little idea bit the dust! :devil: At the time many people thought pigeon shooting would be finished, but we`re still here and doing a bloody good job. :devil:


    Edit: Changed O for A in chloralose!!

  4. I know where you can get a slapper!! :rolleyes:


    The unanswered question regarding some of these gadgets is that, if you use them all the time, you`ll never know if you could have done just as well without them. It took me some time to be convinced I really needed a flapper, and a magic roundabout, and I`m still not sure! Sometimes I have them ready in the car, but have rarely used them. I concentrate on being under a flight line, where the birds are feeding, keeping well concealed and showing myself as little as possible. I remain to be convinced that birds can be drawn off the flight line, at any distance, if they are set on going to a particular field. The time will come, I suppose, when I can use them to my advantage. I do know one thing, these gadgets are not all things to all pigeons!

  5. These days it pays to keep a low profile. I get it from the woman in the paper shop when I get my mags. Even though she asked for a rabbit for her dad! I even had a long discussion with a veggie who runs a stall on our market, selling army surplus, and she is OK with me shooting, as long as I eat what I shoot. What do maggies and corvids taste like?? I did make the point that, although she was against hunting, modern farming methods etc., she was OK selling clothing that was used by the world`s armies when killing humans!!


    Seriously though, since hearing about vehicle vandalism, I`ve taken my BASC sticker off the rear screen.


    Edit: Punctuation!

  6. Try to hold your fire when a big flock arrives. Bite your lip and let `em do what they want to, and hopefully most will clear off undisturbed, and some may come back. Better to wait than scare the **** out of lots of birds. The trick is to get them more interested in what they think are their mates tucking in than the sound of a shot.

  7. If you ever have any problems with the definition of vermin quote the following:


    The Chambers Dictionary.


    Vermin-a collective name for small animals, insects or birds that are troublesome or destructive to crops, game or domestic stock; obnoxious or despicable.


    This definition hinges on whether or not the fox is classed as a `small animal`

  8. When deer stalking I was puzzled by the multi coloured fox ***** around the place. The farmer was breeding maggots, for fishing, and would throw the chicken carcases onto a muck heap. Hence the colours!!

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